Lorem Ipsum



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

I got it, I finally figuret out the best way to make a shitpost! I’ve really been struggling with this one but I think I finally have the perfect pattern for it. A mirror selfie plus lorem ipsum = the perfect shitpost. Thank me later.

How did I end up with the near perfect consept of making a shitpost that requires minimal effort but will result in maximum results? Well there is a bit of a story to this one, and it didn’t come to me overnight. I’ve been working on this for years!

I often document my daily look with a mirror selfie, not for the fashion of it but if I ever go missing, the people looking for me can check what outfit I was last wearing. I own so many clothes and change like a chameleon so you’ll never now what I step out as, might be a 1950’s automobile factory worker, a huntsman or snow white, or your average teenager.

So, I do have that daily mirror selfie at my disposal to be used in a shitpost, but that’s not quite enough. You need a bit of text to disquise the fact that you are making a shitpost. No-one reads it under a selfie but it has to be there. What I often do is I write about my meaningless day, but that is boring for both of us and requires effort, which is the enemy of the shitpost.

Earlier today I met my mom and she showed me an email she had gotten and was concerned about. The sender was reputable and someone she knew, but the content was very odd for her. The email started with ”Lorem ipsum...” It was quite funny and I had to explain my mom what it means and tell her that it’s all good, especially as she got the proper email later with actual content. This conversation about lorem ipsum and my lack of content for the day sparked my inspiration.

So that is how I came up with the my perfect formula for making shitposts. That’s what I’ll do from now on. Do enjoy and make sure to tag me if you end up using my formula.


Ha ha, good one.. xD
My immediate reaction upon seeing the Lorem ipsum was - are you bloody serious? xD

I myself dared to post a wordless post today. I'm just a rebel like that. And I also didn't want the words to mess up and subtract from that post, because I believe the pictures themselves speak more eloquently than I could.


Got ya! 😝 I do think pictures are way more precious than words, I am a photographer after all, but this space definitely prefers the words.
