Organic Smoke Cleansing Sticks


From the Celts with Juniper, the Amazonians with Paolo Santo, even the Catholics with Frankincense and Myrrh, it seems the act of burning fragrant herbs, flowers and resins has been widely used around the world, across civilisations, throughout time.

Only recently, through the New Age movement, "Smudging" (which is what Native Americans call their sage burning ceremony) has become popular. In fact, these days, the act of burning with the intention to cleanse is generally known as smudging. But for this blog, to avoid cultural appropriation, let's refer to the burning of herbs, flowers and/or resin as "Smoke Cleansing".

Everything has it's own energy signature. A vibe, feeling, property that is uniquely theirs and as such each herb or flower or resin give off that effect when burned.

For example:
White sage is well known as a ceremonial plant. Native American used white sage to cleanse and purify a space and also for meditation.

Lavender is known for protection, creating the energy of a happiness and healing, as well as purification and tranquility.

Smoke cleansing has been part of my life and home routine for a number of years now. Being extremely sensitive to energy I find the practice helpful especially when I have people over.

My problem has always been finding a stick that burned just right.

If the leaves have been bound too tightly the stick doesn't burn well. Not tight enough and the stick burns too fast. I've also has Paolo Santo sticks that needed re lighting every couple of minutes.

For the longest time I have wanted to make my own sticks and after years of trying to grow Sage and Lavender I finally succeeded but they were planted in the wrong spot.

Luckily ( or unluckily - I haven't decided yet) I had to pull out both plants which meant I could harvest the leaves and make sticks.

Time to harvest

A year old lavender bush is quite impressive. Not sure if it's Blue Mountains soil that helped it along but that thing grew wide and bushy ensuring a very good harvest.

My side kick

Given that my side kick has a strict 12pm lunch date, I was limited to how much I could cut and bundle in a 2 hour period.

Mindful that I could be reselling these sticks I made sure to make each one thicker and longer.

This batch made 11 lavender sticks.


Day 2/Round 2 was dedicated to White Sage.

Straight away I noticed how much longer these sticks were compared to the ones I get from my crystal supplier.

White Sage

After only being out of the ground for 2 days the leaves were still fresh and needed to be wrapped tightly to make sure the sticks weren't too loose which would result to a quick burn.

Wrapped tightly with twine

There's actually two ways to make cleansing sticks. One is the way I've done it ~ harvest and wrap before it's completely dried out and then hang up to dry. Or allow the plant to dry and then harvest and wrap.

Time to dry

I allowed the sticks to hang dry for a few days followed by a few more days drying on a table and then in a bucket prior to today's test burn.

Test burn

After an eventful weekend of having caterers and guests inside the house, plus Hubby being sick, I figured today was a good day for cleansing.

I was concerned that the lavender stick wasn't completely dried yet which could affect the burn but I was pleasantly surprised to find it was ready.

There was a bit of give in the wrap which allowed air to flow through the sticks giving it a nice smoky burn. It was actually so nice to have a stick that just burned well and stayed lit until I was ready to put it out.

Another pleasant surprise was considering how much smoke I got out of it, I didn't really use much of the stick. In the past I could burn through half a stick and still not get enough smoke out of it to cleanse my house properly.

This was also the thinnest lavender stick I had. Can you imagine how much smoke would have come from a thicker stick? 😱

After this experience, I highly recommend making your own cleansing sticks especially if you are like me and use them often. For starters, nothing beats knowing it's organic. The last thing you want is burning a pesticide riddled stick in your home. Then there's the value for money factor and the burn quality.

These, hands down, are THE BEST cleansing sticks I have ever used, and I have used many.

This is definitely incentive to finish harvesting the plants tomorrow, if my side kick allows it that is. 😅


My daughter has gotten a lot more into that stuff recently (which is completely unsurprising as she's the age that I was into this sort of stuff XD). I never really got into the "smoke cleansing" though, I find the smell a bit much (especially in enclosed spaces, trying to make pixie work something out with ventilation; the smalls keep their room doors shut these days because one of gorc's cats is an item-bowling cable-eating butt nugget.

Should get her to make some rosemary sticks XD (that's the only thing we have that's big enough, though lavender is readily available down the road and we should probably grow some anyway).

Meanwhile I can usually "cleanse" a place (or at least push out other things) on my own (if I have to, I'm generally too lazy and it's easier to just spend a lot of time somewhere) but as I also clash with cleansers maybe I'm one of the things that needs to be exorcised? XD (though clashing with cleansers is a good sign that the person doing the cleansing knows what they're doing/is doing it properly, have had many occasions where I've watched cleansings and all that is happening is a lot of smoke).

Can your assistant carry the sticks for you?

aaaaaaahhhh she so cute XD

Did you stop selling stuff for a little while and you're starting up again or you just been too busy with everything to update us? :)


Lol cable eating butt nugget 🤣

I hear you about the smoke. I open all my windows and doors when I do it, bot just for the smoke but also to allow the bad juju to get out and even then the smoke lingers.

Rosemary sticks are apparently great for cleaning the aura. I personally haven't tried it though.

I think you're more advanced and that's why you clash with cleansing. Doing it properly requires preparation, intention and prayer. Most people, like myself, approach it in a haphazard way and depend on the smoke to do the majority of the work. That said, it also depends on the situation you're in. If there's serious bad juju then you need to go all out and go the ceremony way.

My assistant can definitely help carry the sticks.. I will, however have to back track and pick up the ones she's dropped. 😁

Tbh between #toddlerlife and the cricut, it's been full on. I've been working on a lot of new things mostly to do with sacred geometry and have been wanting to release them but things keep coming up and I get side tracked. And now that it's colder it's orgonite season again for me but who knows where I'll get the time to work on those.


Serious bad juju just takes longer and makes me more tired and angry XD

I don't know about more advanced other than that, I've never needed or even really been able to do ceremonial stuff. It seemed really pompous and fanfarish back when I was young and dumb and wondered why people didn't just do the thing. I did get told by someone that it was all show for the muggles/mundanes (I thought that was a bit of a rude way to describe people that don't understand/know how to do stuff). Wasn't til I started doing tai chi and finding out that the chikung stuff made things easier for me (I don't need to do it, just makes it orders of magnitude more effective and efficient) that it cottoned on that ceremonies help people focus.

I am not partcularly bright

Toddlers are hard work which is why they're so unbearably cute ;D LoL yeh you would have to go back and pick up what she dropped, count it as getting your steps up? XD

The sacred geometry stuff sounds interesting (another thing I have trouble understanding), looking forward to seeing what you come up with :D Orgonite season, I didn't realise you work in seasons o_O


Yep, for the focus and helps built the energy/intention. That said though, there are people who can just go about business without all the fuss or the stick 🤷🏻‍♀️ Whatever floats their bubbles and gets the job done I suppose.

Steps?!! Wish I had the energy for the steps. I'm a bit of a lard these days tbh. I figured I'd get back to shape later on.. ish... 😅 But yeh, HARD. WORK. She's FULLLL ONNNN. But she's a sweet baby and definitely worth the hard work.

Sacred Geometry has been amazing for me during this whole covid thing. I've been using it along with intention to visualise my body in perfect health and for shielding. That said, I could totally be imagining things 😅 and it's not really working the way I think it is ~ but hey, Bella and I haven't been sick at all for anything 🤷🏻‍♀️

I wonder if you could energetically suss it out and feel the intention I imbued into these pieces?



I usually need at least line of sight to do anything.

ps by "line of sight" I really mean "be in the same area" ^_^;


Have you tried to do a remote cleansing? I reckon you could do it. :D


I have not tried but I also don't do so much cleansings as territory claims and evictions if I'm doing anything x_x

I'm normally pretty easygoing and let things be where they are if nobody is causing or going to cause anyone else too many problems.


Helloooooo! Side kick is SO BIG! Where has the time gone?

I have never “cleansing sticked” but sitting here at almost midnight thinking over the last yearish…. I feel like I should do this to my house, my car, my yard, and my own darn self! 😄

Looks like life is going well for you guys.

Big hugs to you from across the sea! ☺️ 🤗


Hey girlfriend!!!!!! 🤗❤🤗

How ya been during these crazy times?!

Do the stick if you can. It never hurts to do it even when you're having a good time ;)

Life's been great. Busy, crazy, fulfilling, and going way too fast. I'm eyeballs deep in #toddlerlife and insanely wanting another baby to keep Bella company but that ain't happening. I think I'm too old a chook to be thinking 1 more kid.

Big hugs back to you! I've missed you!!


How fabulous to make your own sticks @bearone. i cleanse the energy in my home all the time with paolo sticks, sage, frankincense, myth , lavender, patchouli and so on, the list is endless. I am glad there are many of us around.

Do you smoking sticks have a scent?


Angie!! :)

Yeh there's certainly a few of us! Birds of a feather I suppose :D

The sticks do have a scent. The lavender smells like burnt lavender (understandably) and the sage one smells like the usual white sage.

Very soothing despite the smoky undertone.
