
Hoy ha tocado desconectar y salir un poco de la rutina, aprovechando que por fin me han llegado mis merecidas vacaciones (o eso pienso yo).
Un buen amigo nuestro nos ha invitado a que pasemos el día en su maravillosa casa de campo.
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Hemos podido inaugurar por primera vez nuestra nueva adquisición, algo que hacía días veníamos esperando, nuestra cámara de fotografía profesional.
Y como no, teníamos que estrenarla con estos magníficos paisajes y adentrarnos en una casa del pleno siglo XIX.

Es una finca de aproximadamente 3000 m2 , con una casa en ella de 500 m2.

Curioseando por sus recónditos espacios , nuestro buen amigo nos ha dado el privilegio de poder sacar unas fotos de su interior.

En estos pueblos de alrededor es muy común disponer de una bodega de vino . Tal y como hemos comentado anteriormente esta casa tiene ya más de 200 años , por lo que lo primero que ya nos llamó mucho la atención y nos hizo experimentar una sensación " diferente " , fue justamente eso , la cantidad de tiempo que ha permanecido prácticamente intacta esta bodega . En ella se encuentran una cantidad aproximada de diez barriles de vino viejo , - como se le suele decir aquí - .
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Estábamos fuera preparando la mesa para disfrutar de una barbacoa , cuando nos sorprendió la lluvia y tuvimos que refugiarnos dentro del porche.
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Nos dimos cuenta también de que en el techo habían unas curiosas cestas que según nos explicó , se utilizaban para transportar agua en garrafas de vidrio de un punto a otro.
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La lámpara verde que podéis observar , antiguamente era más bien utilizada para juntar a dos machos .
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Otra cosa que nos sorprendió mucho fue este ingenioso artilugio que utilizaban para arar la tierra. Está hecho de madera de roble y piedras afiladas, y estaba fabricado a mano.
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No os podéis imaginar con la cantidad de otros artilugios que nos hemos encontrado , por eso os dejamos con otras fotos de cosas interesantes .
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Dear member of HIVE,

Supplement 19 June - Some whales had asked me to stop with the many messages as they had written to @pfunk to tell him to support me and stop destroying the account. I have stuck to it and stopped. He has now sent out more downvotes and from now on the goal is to comment on every post published on HIVE. We have about 300 HIVE accounts that can be used alternately and will create new accounts daily.
We will program different scripts because every hour a post will be published in the top 100 days. These scripts will be available for every user of HIVE if he wants to use them.

I'm sorry for the automated comments. But we're not being given another opportunity to point out our problem.

For the time being, this news will only be published for one hour, should the proceedings against us be stopped and the donations replaced, we will stop. Otherwise this message will be placed under every post published on HIVE via hundreds of accounts.

Are you sure you really want to post here?

For example, we have a small account here that belongs to a social club in Germany. Donations were collected here, and every month a few dollars were collected.

But since ONE person - the witness at HIVE called @Pfunk (a witness is actually someone who is supposed to represent the members) has problems with the founder of the social organisation, he makes sure that all donations are deducted from the small account. Others who are also in favour of the account are also penalised, and all income is also taken away.

If you publish here, make sure that you only publish what is of benefit to the owners of the assets on HIVE. You must never express your own opinion or criticize someone who is a witness or owner of power.

You will soon find out that you only earn a few cents here. Others, however, sometimes enrich themselves extremely. Look around, you'll soon find that some people get 2 or even 3-digit $ sums for small contributions, but you don't even get 50 cents.

Now that the account has become basically unusable for us, we have made it our mission to inform all new members about what to expect here in the block chain.

There is no way to fight against the rulers of HIVE. One can only inform others and especially new members.

If you want to see how they take away donations for the association, you can see this here https://beeme.icu/?account=nesomi

If you ever want to find out what this is all about, you can do that:


https://peakd.com/deutsch/@nesomi/abuse of power-and-love-the-hive-witnesses radio or abuse of power-and-love-the-hive-witnesses radio

As soon as the downvotes on our account stop and the destroyed donations have been replaced, these comments will be discontinued.

If this action doesn't work, we will comment on less than 1000 newly published articles with this text every day.

Unfortunately we have no other possibility to take action against such behaviour. If you really should stay here you will soon realize that there is no other way to fight injustice than with many messages.

Anyone who has problems with a witness on HIVE I am happy to give the program that automatically distributes hundreds or even thousands of comments.

We will delete this comment if you wish. However, this may take a few hours.
Add a comment "Delete comment"

In the last 10 hours the downvotes were over $100. Consider, if love, not hate, were to decide for some, how much good could be done.


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You distributed more than 1500 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 1750 upvotes.

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