Some More Covid-19 Thoughts


Existing at the bottom rung of American society gives me quite the perspective on what is currently going on here and although I can intellectually understand the misguided myopic opinion that folks think that they have some constitutional right to 'go back to work' or have others go back to work for them... I also see how fucking flawed such thinking is as well as downright callous towards the cost of human life that doing so will involve.

I honestly cannot fathom how constitutional rights are being given more merit than human rights (and human lives) and I hope that history is not whitewashed in such a way that it obfuscates the truth of the times and events that we are currently living through because some sort of 'reckoning' is what those participating in mass-murder deserve.

No matter how you want to parse it 'mass-murder' is exactly what is happening for the sake of a fucking economy that is so fragile that it cannot stand on its own two feet without getting 'bailed out' in one way or another every so many years... it just so happens that this time said bailout will occur not through the creation of more debt but via more death!

The big problem in the scenario of 'work' is that both the states and the federal government are operating so far in the financial 'red zone' that they cannot (or will not) use the tax dollars of their citizens to provide for the well-being of the very citizens that not only pay the taxes but also pay all government officials salaries and wages. This is despicable, deplorable and fucking treasonous to the citizenry which is the real backbone of this country.

This entire scenario (in my perspective) is the epitome of a civilization caught within the grip of collapse and only highlights the flaws, greed, corruption, mismanagement and arrogance that has collapsed so many civilizations before throughout history. That those very things (the flaws) have always been an inherent and 'integral' part of this particular country is blindingly obvious at this point and indicates a sort of collective mental illness and that perhaps collapse is the best of all possible outcomes if we are ever to amount to anything more than the world's largest bully.

In other words the 'cat is out of the bag' (so to speak) and instead of actually restructuring said country the 'powers that be' are instead going to sacrifice as much of the low-income and working class as possible to keep the 'machine' going in all its ugly 'glory' or lack thereof.


Obligatory Image: Some blue skies, trees and clouds.

Thanks for reading!
