Working without internet, what have I been doing?



This last week has been very annoying regarding the internet, it is unstable, too much, much more than normal, in the whole day if I have about 30 minutes of "stable" internet then it is gone for the whole day.

Esta ultima semana ha estado muy fastidiosa en cuanto al tema del internet, esta inestable, demasiado, muchisimo mas de lo normal, en todo el dia si acaso tengo unos 30 minutos de intener "estable" luego se va por todo el dia.

And that makes me something difficult, not much to be aware of the trades I've been doing this week, I think I have not commented but since the fall of bitcoin to 30 thousand I managed to buy Eth, BnB and SFP yesterday I bought some gold or PAXG in binance.

Y eso me dificulta algo, no mucho en estar pendiente de los trades que he estado haciendo esta semana, creo que no lo he comentado pero desde la caida de bitcoin a los 30 mil logre comprar Eth, BnB y SFP ayer compre algo de oro o PAXG en binance.

It's crazy the difference in the markets, Sfp in one day was losing 180 dollars and in one hour was gaining 250 xD, the coin I bought it quite low really, so I'm not worried, I want to keep it until at least bitcoin manages to touch 43 or 45 thousand.

Es una locura la diferencia en los mercados, Sfp en un dia estaba perdiendo 180 dolares y en una hora estaba ganando 250 xD, la moneda la compre bastante baja realmente, asi que no estoy preocupado, quiero guardala hasta que por lo menos bitcoin logre tocar los 43 o 45 mil.

And here's where the problem comes a bad connection screws everything up, at the moment I use movistar but fuck the megas are spent as if nothing :s in a day I can consume two or more GB so I decided to control myself more and leave only the connection to upload post (I've been somewhat inactive lately but good) to upload post and check the price in tradingview and use the binance app, for nothing else.

Y aqui es donde viene el problema una mala conexion fastidia todo, por los momentos utilizo movistar pero joder los megas se gastan como si nada :s en un dia puedo consumir dos o mas GB asi que decidi auto controlarme mas y dejar solo la conexion para subir post (he estado algo inactivo ultimamente pero bueno) para subir post y chequear el precio en tradingview y utilizar la app de binance, para mas nada.

Last night I ran out of megabytes and I was all night blank not knowing what was going to happen with my SFP coins :s a night adrift until I could recharge my balance and finally have some internet connection.

Antier se me acabaron los megas y estuve toda la noche en blanco sin saber que iba a pasar con mis monedas de SFP :s una noche a la deriva hasta que pude recargar saldo y por fin tener algo de conexion a internet.

I was looking for companies that offer fiber optic internet but I couldn't find anything in my state and the two that I found have a thousand times more stupid requirements, like getting 9 more neighbors that want to install the service.... I think it's the stupidest company I've ever met.

Estuve buscando empresas que ofrecieran internet de fibra optica pero no encontre nada en mi estado y las dos que encontre tienen unos requisitos mil veces mas que estupidos, como conseguir 9 vecinos mas que quieran instalar el servicio.... creo que es la empresa mas estupida que he conocido.

And well that was all the post an update on what I am doing.

Y bueno eso fue todo el post un actualizacion de que estoy haciendo.
