(ESP/ENG) Mi gato con criptorquidia bilateral va al veterinario para que lo vacunen / My cat with bilateral cryptorchidism goes to the vet to get vaccinated 💉😼💕


¡Hola a todos! El mes pasado les conté cómo fue la situación cuando llevé a mi gato Ikki a su primer chequeo oficial con el veterinario. Le mandaron un par de cosas y gracias a Hive pude reunir para poder pagar todos sus gastos médicos, por lo cual estoy muy agradecida 🤗

Hello everybody! Last month I told you about the situation when I took my cat Ikki to his first official check-up with the vet. They sent him a couple of things and thanks to Hive I was able to gather to pay all his medical expenses, for which I am very grateful 🤗

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La consulta anterior el veterinario me había recomendado comprarle un vitamínico llamado "Pentavival", lo pude conseguir en una tienda de animales y se lo pude dar. Aunque a Ikki no le gusta y lo comprendo, su olor no es para nada atractivo, huele a pura medicina ja ja así que cuando me veía con la jeringa se ponía inquieto. La dosis era de 2.5 cc diario por siete días, con una semana de descanso y luego se retomaba la toma. Aún le queda un poco, así que comenzaremos de nuevo con su dosis de vitaminas.

The previous consultation the vet had recommended me to buy a vitamin called "Pentavival", I could get it in a pet store and I was able to give it to him. Although Ikki does not like it and I understand it, his smell is not attractive at all, he smells like pure medicine ha ha so when he saw me with the syringe he would get restless. The dose was 2.5 cc daily for seven days, with a week off and then the intake was resumed. You still have a little left, so let's start over with your vitamin fix.

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Como ya había pasado un mes de la consulta, sabía que tenía que llevarlo de nuevo. Así que, con dinero de Hive pude comprarle la vacuna antirrábica (algo que consideraba inaccesible meses atrás). Fue algo cansado ir a comprarla porque es un largo camino a pie desde mi casa a la tienda de mascotas y como la vacuna debe estar refrigerada, un día me tocó ir a preguntar por su precio y al día siguiente, comprarla y transportarla en una pequeña cava todo el camino. Había mucho sol y me preocupaba, pero como me dieron hielo pude llegar a la casa con la vacuna en perfectas condiciones. Un vecino me hizo el favor de guardarla en su nevera (porque hasta los momentos no tengo) y al día siguiente agendé la cita con el veterinario.

As a month had passed since the consultation, I knew I had to take it again. So, with money from Hive, I was able to buy him the rabies vaccine (something he considered inaccessible months ago). It was a bit tiring to go buy it because it is a long walk from my house to the pet store and since the vaccine must be refrigerated, one day I had to go ask for its price and the next day, buy it and transport it in a small dig all the way. There was a lot of sun and I was worried, but since they gave me ice I was able to get home with the vaccine in perfect condition. A neighbor did me the favor of keeping it in his fridge (because so far I don't have it) and the next day I made an appointment with the vet.

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(¡Ya listos para salir! / Ready to go!)

Admito que estaba demasiado nerviosa. Creo que Ikki ya sabía que lo iba a llevar a algún lado porque se puso inquieto cuando le puse el arnés, no conforme con eso, me costó un poco hacer que entrara en su transportador porque no quería entrar ja ja Luego esperé a que llegara el chico que contraté para que me acompañara (porque mi novio tenía que trabajar). El muchacho carga el transportador y me acompaña a pie hasta el consultorio, ahí está presente en la consulta y nos acompaña de regreso (Así hizo la vez pasada). En esta ocasión fue muy útil contratar sus servicios porque yo tenía que llevar la cava con la jeringa.

Menos mal el clima estaba algo nublado. Ikki se asustó un poco al escuchar los ruidos del exterior, pero le hablé un poco y se calmó. Al menos el consultorio queda más cerca que la tienda de mascotas. Ya al llegar tuvimos que esperar un poco ya que estaban atendiendo a un paciente: Una pobre gatita que tenía un prolapso del recto ¡Pobrecita! tuvieron que ponerle puntos y al día siguiente deben volverla a traer porque parece que van a tener que someterla a cirugía. Espero que se recupere, se veía que es apenas una bebé 😭

I admit I was too nervous. I think Ikki already knew I was going to take him somewhere because he got restless when I put the harness on him, not satisfied with that, it took me a bit to get him to enter his transporter because he did not want to go in ha ha Then I waited for the guy I hired to accompany me (because my boyfriend had to work). The boy loads the transporter and accompanies me on foot to the office, there he is present in the consultation and accompanies us back (This is how he did last time). On this occasion it was very useful to hire their services because I had to carry the cellar with the syringe.

Thank goodness the weather was somewhat cloudy. Ikki got a little scared hearing the noises from outside, but I spoke to him a bit and he calmed down. At least the office is closer than the pet store. When we arrived we had to wait a bit since they were treating a patient: A poor kitten who had a prolapse of the rectum. Poor thing! They had to put stitches on her and the next day they have to bring her back because it looks like they're going to have to undergo surgery. I hope she recovers, you could see that she is just a baby 😭

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Cuando llegó el turno de Ikki le mostré al veterinario el nuevo desparasitante que había comprado en la tienda. Ikki no hacía ningún ruido, cuando abrí la puerta de su transportador lo vi con su expresión curiosa, con los ojos muy abiertos. Me costó sacarlo porque como se imaginaran, ahora no quería salir ja ja Pero en cuanto salió el veterinario lo chequeó, le dio su dosis de pastilla desparasitante, le cortó las garritas que la vez pasada no pudo cortarle (porque ikki no se dejó) y finalmente, le colocó la inyección antirrábica. Yo pensé que le iba a inyectar la nalga y estuve diciéndoselo a Ikki toda la semana "Te van a inyectar la nalguita", pero resulta que fue subcutánea, más o menos por la espalda. Para nuestra sorpresa, Ikki fue muy valiente, no lloró ni fue agresivo. Únicamente buscaba la manera de escapar ja ja

When it was Ikki's turn, I showed the vet the new dewormer that I had bought at the store. Ikki was not making any noise, when I opened the door of his transporter I saw him with his curious expression, his eyes wide. It was hard for me to get him out because as you imagine, now I didn't want to go out ha ha But as soon as the vet came out he checked him, gave him his dose of deworming pill, cut the little sticks that last time he could not cut him (because ikki was not allowed) and finally, he gave her the rabies injection. I thought I was going to inject his buttock and I was telling Ikki all week "They are going to inject your buttock", but it turns out that it was subcutaneous, more or less from the back. To our surprise, Ikki was very brave, not crying or aggressive. I was only looking for a way to escape ha ha

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(Ikki viendo la puerta que da al exterior del consultorio, planeando la huída / Ikki seeing the door that leads to the outside of the office, planning the escape)

Ya vacunado, el veterinario procedió a hacer la palpación de su vientre y zona genital, en busca de los testículos perdidos ja ja pero de nuevo me informó que parece ser que no tienen pensado aparecer, por lo que me recomendó cuando lo vuelva a traer que llame con anticipación para que su colega también esté en la consulta, este señor parece que conoce más de esa área y puede decirme si lo que va a necesitar ikki es una cirugía para poder esterilizarlo.

También lo pesaron (de hecho tuve que cargarlo porque estaba muy nervioso ja ja) y resulta que mi Ikki pesa ¡Casi cinco kilos! Es una masita de pelo y grasa je je 😍🥰

Already vaccinated, the veterinarian proceeded to palpate his belly and genital area, looking for the lost testicles ha ha but again he informed me that it seems that they have not planned to appear, so he recommended that when I bring him back that Call in advance so that your colleague is also in the consultation, this man seems to know more about that area and can tell me if what ikki is going to need is surgery to be able to sterilize him.

They also weighed it (actually I had to carry it because I was very nervous ha ha) and it turns out that my Ikki weighs almost five kilos! It is a mass of hair and fat heh heh 😍

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Me dieron dos certificados: Uno de desparasitación y el otro de la vacuna antirrábica. Me di cuenta ya en casa que el veterinario había escrito mal en nombre de Ikki ja ja supongo que no es tan común ponerle un nombre así a un gato 🤣 😅

They gave me two certificates: one for deworming and the other for the rabies vaccine. I realized at home that the vet had misspelled Ikki's name ha ha I guess it's not so common to name a cat like that 🤣 😅

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(Ikki durmiendo luego de un día ajetreado / Ikki sleeping after a busy day)

La siguiente consulta espero llevarlo para que le coloquen la vacuna triple felina y recibir el diagnostico del otro doctor sobre la situación con sus testículos. De verdad estoy muy agradecida con Hive, gracias a ésta plataforma estoy logrando darle a mi gatito las atenciones médicas que necesita así como una alimentación nutritiva, sus cinco kilos de peso lo reafirman ja ja ¡¡De verdad, gracias!! 🤗🥰💖

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!

The next consultation I hope to take him to receive the triple feline vaccine and receive the diagnosis from the other doctor about the situation with his testicles. I am really very grateful to Hive, thanks to this platform I am managing to give my kitten the medical attention she needs as well as a nutritious diet, her five kilos of weight reaffirm it ha ha Really, thank you !! 🤗 💖

Until next time!



I'm so glad you were able to take Ikki to the vet and help him stay healthy. I hope that by the next visit, the vets can find his testicle problem. Stay safe!


Yes!!! Now I'm a little more relieved because I didn't have any vaccinations until yesterday. At the moment it will be time to wait, although I am almost sure that what will come will be surgery heh heh 😅 Thank you very much for reading my publication! 🥰


what a brave little one.


Yes it is! I guess he saves his screams to ask to open the doors heh heh thanks for visiting my post 🥰


Aww I'm so glad that Ikki is doing well and you were able to get this latest appointment. I didn't know you had to go to the store to buy the vaccine yourself and then bring it to the vet, wow! Here they won't let you do that, the vet has it and not the pet store (unless there is a vet office inside the pet store, which sometimes happens, but still they won't let you buy one and take it home). Ikki did very well, so brave! :)

I have vitamins for Maggie, my older cat, which she doesn't like either. I thought she might like them because it looks like gravy. But when I mix it in her food she is not happy and often will leave half the food uneaten. It is a new one I tried for the first time, so I just will not buy the same one again. It looks like a catsup bottle and you are supposed to keep it in the refrigerator. When I bought it, I said, uh oh, I better store it separately from the catsup or I might make a mistake one day...

left: vitamins, right: catsup, ha ha ha / izquierda: vitaminas, derecha: salsa de tomate, ja, ja, ja

Oh, estoy muy contento de que Ikki esté bien y de que hayas podido conseguir esta última cita. No sabía que tenías que ir a la tienda a comprar la vacuna tú mismo y luego llevarla al veterinario, ¡wow! Aquí no te dejan hacer eso, el veterinario lo tiene y no la tienda de mascotas (a menos que haya una oficina veterinaria dentro de la tienda de mascotas, lo que a veces sucede, pero aún así no te dejan comprar uno y llevártelo a casa) . Ikki lo hizo muy bien, ¡muy valiente! :)

Tengo vitaminas para Maggie, mi gata mayor, que tampoco le gustan. Pensé que le podrían gustar porque parece salsa. Pero cuando lo mezclo con su comida, ella no está contenta y, a menudo, deja la mitad de la comida sin comer. Es uno nuevo que probé por primera vez, así que no volveré a comprar el mismo. Parece una botella de salsa de tomate y se supone que debes guardarla en el refrigerador. Cuando lo compré, dije, uh oh, será mejor que lo guarde por separado del catsup o podría cometer un error algún día ...


Hello!! Nice to read you again! 🤗 The truth was I was a bit nervous about this appointment because of that, because of the vaccine issue, since it seemed very delicate to me and I didn't want to ruin it. There are some veterinarians that give you the vaccines themselves, but they are very few and they charge very expensive, in my country the economy is not the best and people neglect their pets, especially cats, so the vaccines do not see it As a priority, so I imagine that veterinarians make you buy them for them not to have any monetary loss, hehe, apart from the fact that the office I took him to is seen to be a bit humble, but that does not mean that it ceases to be a good place attended by professionals 😉 I was also very surprised by the good behavior of ikki, I was mentally prepared to receive bites, but that never happened hehe he is a good patient 😊

Poor Maggie ha ha she will think that the food has something suspicious ha ha I as soon as I smelled the one I bought from ikki I knew she was not going to like it because I did not like that smell of medicine either ha ha by the way, I saw some deworming pills with fruit flavor to mix in their meals, but I did not buy them, they are very intelligent, they may think that the food has something strange and they should leave it ha ha 🤣 The truth is that, Maggie's vitamins seem like a product for humans, easily you get confused, I like it a lot in the packaging, although we know that Maggie must hate it ha ha you will have to put it in a syringe without a needle and give it to her like that, I do like that with ikki and she has no other 😅

Thank you very much for reading my post and for commenting! Kisses and a bear hug for Maggie !! 🤗 💖


They are so smart when we try to be sneaky with medicine! When Yuan first came home he had an infection and I had to give him antibiotics. They were pills and for a little while the pill pocket treats worked (they are basically a treat that is a dough texture and you wrap the pill inside it). But eventually he figured it out and would eat the treat around the pill and leave the pill behind! If I put it in his food, same thing. So smart! 😂

Maggie says, "Don't give the human any ideas about syringes!"
Maggie 5.jpg

¡Son tan inteligentes cuando intentamos ser furtivos con la medicina! Cuando Yuan llegó a casa por primera vez, tenía una infección y tuve que darle antibióticos. Eran píldoras y durante un tiempo las golosinas de bolsillo de las píldoras funcionaron (básicamente son una golosina que tiene una textura de masa y envuelves la píldora en su interior). ¡Pero eventualmente lo descubrió y se comería la golosina alrededor de la píldora y dejaría la píldora! Si lo pongo en su comida, lo mismo. ¡Tan inteligente! 😂

Maggie dice: "¡No le des a los humanos ninguna idea sobre las jeringas!"


I realized that when I threw a piece of pill into ikki between his sardines and energetically stopped eating to leave all the food 😅 Yuan found the perfect way to eat sweets without going through a bad taste then haha ​​But Maggie! it's for your good! the medicines are good. That is better than having your butt injected later ha ha 😁🤭


¿y la tiple felina ? no te dijeron nada al respecto?


Si, tengo que esperar por lo menos 15 días entre ambas vacunas. Así que lo llevaré el próximo mes para que se la coloquen. Yo le pregunté la vez pasada que entre la antirrábica y la triple felina cual era mejor colocarle primero y me respondió que la antirrábica, así que toca esperar a la siguiente consulta para la otra 😁
