He has always loved the Puppies


They are more than pets, they are family

Since he was 2 years old and I gave him his first Puppy (COCO), he would love dogs, those first years together were Happy, they were inseparable, to the point of sleeping together and eating from the same plate (Thank God Dogs are very healthy).

(3 years ago)



Everything was going well but as nothing is perfect and Coco Sick and died, despite the efforts she could not save herself, and that was one of the saddest and most painful moments that we have spent as a Family and for my little one it was a very drastic change, which She doesn't think she is a little girl, but over the years we have tried to explain it to her.

But despite that sadness and emptiness that our unforgettable friend COCO left behind, now a very loving and tender puppy has come by surprise and unexpectedly, and she is QUIRPA, who with her charm and tenderness has filled everyone's life with joy and has become the inseparable and unconditional friend of my daughter.



Dogs and pets are not only animals that we must take care of, they are part of our lives, they are our families and they are always where they are and they live in our hearts.

Always friends

It is important to foster friendship between a child and his pet, this teaches him responsibility, loyalty and commitment. A pet can be as faithful and loving as a person.

On this occasion I share some photographs of my little girl and her beloved pet "Quirpa"


Photos taken from my Samsung GT-I9063T phone
