The Panteritas two very funny autonomous cats /Las Panteritas dos gatos autónomos muy divertidos



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Hello dear friends Hive Pets:

Happy to share with you the love for nature and pets / Feliz de compartir con ustedes el amor por la naturaleza y las mascotas.

This time I bring you two cute kittens Onix and Midnight, which I call the Panteritas for their impressive and intense black color that becomes tinged with the incidence of sunlight, I love to see them walking around the garden with their feline elegance.

I use the term freelance cat, for the Panteritas because of the post of my friend @macchiata: Buying Cat Food For My Freelance Cat in which she explains its meaning, cats that have an owner and go to eat and/or visit other people and then return home.

Hola queridos amigos Hive Pets:

En esta ocasión les traigo dos lindos gatitos Onix y Midnight, los cuales yo llamo las Panteritas por su impresionante e intenso color negro que se torna matizado con la incidencia de los rayos solares, adoro verlos caminando por el jardín con su elegancia felina.

Utilizo el termino freelance cat, para las panteritas por el post de la amiga @macchiata: Buying Cat Food For My Freelance Cat en el cual explica su significado, gatos que tienen dueño y van a comer y/o visitar a otras personas y regresan luego a su hogar.



Las Panteritas arriving at the building to visit us/The Panteritas llegando al edificio a visitarnos




The Panteritas arrived at the residential complex where I live when they were puppies, they were adopted by a neighbor who loves pets and gave them a home taking care of their basic needs of food, health, and housing.

During the day they are free in the common areas having fun in the garden and visiting some neighbors, among which I am!

They tend to be together most of the time, although they are also independent when hunting or interacting with people. They are quite selective when it comes to proximity and human contact, and each one has their well-defined sympathies, in which they may or may not coincide.

Las Panteritas llegaron al conjunto residencial donde vivo cuando eran unos cachorritos, fueron adoptados por una vecina que ama las mascotas y les dio un hogar atendiendo sus necesidades básicas de comida, salud y vivienda.

Durante el día están libres en las áreas comunes divirtiéndose en el jardín y visitando algunos vecinos, entre los cuales estoy !

Suelen estar juntos la mayoría del tiempo, aun cuando son también independientes cuando cazan o interactúan con las personas. Son bastantes selectivos en cuanto a la proximidad y contacto humano, y cada uno tiene sus simpatías bien definidas, en las cuales pueden o no coincidir.

They arrive early in the morning, majestically climb the stairs, without haste or hurry, it is a spectacle to see how they move stealthily.

They play with me for a while, they groom themselves on my legs, and enjoy my caresses, however, their main interest is to visit my neighbor, Mr. Nicolas. They stand in front of his door waiting for him to open it and immediately go to eat the delicious grilled sardines that he prepares for them with much affection.

Sometimes they have to wait and go to another floor to visit another neighbor to also ask for their share of food, without discarding their first option, they are attentive to the sounds of the doors and voices of their friends. They are very cunning, intelligent, and funny.



Llegan temprano en la mañana, suben majestuosamente por las escaleras, sin apuro ni prisa, es un espectáculo ver como se mueven sigilosamente.

Conmigo juguetean un rato se acicalen en mis piernas, y disfrutan de mis caricias, sin embargo su principal interés es visitar a mi vecino el sr Nicolás.
Se colocan frente a su puerta a esperar que la abra y pasan de inmediato a comer las deliciosas sardinas asadas que les prepara con mucho cariño.

En algunas ocasiones tienen que esperar y van a otro piso a visitar a otro vecino para pedirle también su cuota de comida, sin descartar su primera opción, se mantienen atentos a los sonidos de las puertas y voces de sus personas amigas. Son muy astutos, inteligentes y divertidos.

In the afternoons, they stand in front of my apartment and take it more relaxed, rest, sleep, stretch with all their desire, cat stretch, delicious.....and are more willing to interact and have fun.

They know how to emphasize very well that you have to respect their spaces and decided to share. That's what I like about cats, their independence and forceful expression of what they like and what they don't like.

En las tardes, se colocan frente a mi apartamento y lo toman más relajados, descansan, duermen, se estiran con todas sus ganas, estiramiento de gato, divino…..y están más dispuestos a interactuar y divertirse. Saben resaltar muy bien que hay que respetar sus espacios y decisión de compartir.

Eso me gusta de los gatos su independencia y expresión contundente de lo que les agrada y lo que no les gusta.



Panthers have helped me to overcome the mourning for Loki, a community cat that I loved very much and who died tragically. Since that moment, I had marked a little distance with cats, for not getting attached to them again, however, I accept that they are fascinating and enigmatic, they captivate me and I enjoy their company, I am happy with them. Thank you panteritas!
Las panteritas me han ayudado a superar el duelo por Loki un gato comunitario, que quise muchísimo y murió trágicamente. Desde ese momento, había marcado un poco de distancia con los gatos, por no encariñarme nuevamente con ellos, sin embargo acepto que son fascinantes y enigmáticos, me cautivan y disfruto su compañía, soy feliz con ellos. Gracias panteritas¡
See you soon dear pet friends /Hasta pronto queridos amigos de Hive Pets

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Photos /Fotos

All photos are my own, using an Android Honor cell phone.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, usando celular Android Honor


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wow we have the same freelance cat !! 🤣


Hello friend @macchiata, you are right, .....looks like we have the same autonomous cats, or they are families.....what a funny thing.
Greetings, happy weekend


Oh my gosh, they are the sweetest! What clever kitties, making the rounds to visit all the people who love them. I love the term "freelance cat." That made me laugh out loud.
