[ESP / ENG]Hive adornando la Mesa!/Hive adorning the Table!



Hola mis amigos amantes de las mascotas, por aca vengo a compartir con ustedes el adorno que tiene hoy la mesa de mi sala, mi travieso Javi decidio subirse a la mesa y alli estuvo por un buen rato, lo llamaba para que se bajara y no me hacia caso.

Hello my pet lover friends, here I come to share with you the ornament that has today the table of my living room, my naughty Javi decided to climb on the table and there he was for a while, I called him to get off and he did not pay attention to me.


El cada vez sale con una ocurrencia para alegrarnos el día, nos hace reir hasta en los días mas tristes; nunca me voy a arrepentir de tenerlo como mascota, porque como siempre este es el amor mas sincero que podemos recibir, el me ama sin esperar recibir nada a cambio, simplemente porque le sale hacerlo y yo tambien lo amo mucho!

Every time he comes up with a witticism to make our day, he makes us laugh even in the saddest days; I will never regret having him as a pet, because as always this is the most sincere love we can receive, he loves me without expecting anything in return, just because he loves to do it and I love him too!

