El mas sincero Amor! // The most sincere Love!


Hola amigos de Hive pets, hoy quiero hablarles del amor mas sincero que puede existir, y es el que sienten las mascotas hacia sus dueños; para ellos, no solo somos sus humanos, ellos ven en nosotros su apoyo, su refugio y su opción de vida.

Hello friends of Hive pets, today I want to talk to you about the most sincere love that can exist, and it is the one that pets feel towards their owners; for them, we are not only their humans, they see in us their support, their shelter and their choice of life.


Su amor es incondicional y es por ello que debemos retribuirles ese amor con más amor, con cuidados y haciendoles sentir lo importante que son para nosotros...Mirando a mi Javi, me doy cuenta de cuanto lo amo y me cuesta aceptar, que hay personas que maltratan a sus mascotas, yo no podría hacerlo; a veces lo regaño por alguna travesura y luego me siento mal, porque igual el se acerca a mi sin resentimientos.

Their love is unconditional and that is why we must return that love with more love, with care and making them feel how important they are to us... Looking at my Javi, I realize how much I love him and I find it hard to accept that there are people who mistreat their pets, I could not do it; sometimes I scold him for some mischief and then I feel bad, because he still approaches me without resentment.


Puedo sentir el amor que siente Javi por mi, al ver como se alegra cuando me ve llegar, no importa si me he ido por 2 horas o por 5 minutos, si olvide alimentarlo en la mañana o si lo regañe antes de salir, sus ojos brillan con la misma alegria al recibirme; esto es, porque él es incapaz de sentir resentimiento, cuando aman...simplemente aman sin condición!

I can feel the love Javi feels for me, seeing how happy he is when he sees me arrive, no matter if I have been gone for 2 hours or 5 minutes, if I forgot to feed him in the morning or if I scolded him before leaving, his eyes shine with the same joy when he receives me; this is because he is incapable of feeling resentment, when they love...they simply love without condition!




Como no amar a mi tremendo Javi, si lo único que recibo de él es amor!

How can I not love my tremendous Javi, if the only thing I receive from him is love!






Javi is so cute. He loves to just lay around and soak up all your love and the comforts of home. 😊


Yes he loves to be pampered, thank you, a hug!
