[ESP-ENG] Esta es mi Nikki / This is my Nikki!



Hola amigos y miembros de la Comunidad HivePets, para mi es un verdadero placer presentarles a Nikki, mi mascota quien llegó a mi casa siendo una hermosa cachorrita de 1 mes de nacida y ya lleva 8 años viviendo con nosotros.

Hello friends and members of the HivePets Community, for me it is a real pleasure to introduce you to Nikki, my pet who came to my house as a beautiful puppy of 1 month old and has been living with us for 8 years now.


Ella es una perrita muy consentida y un poco perezosa, siendo pequeña le hice una camita especial para ella, la cual nunca quiso usar y como lloraba mucho, la dejaba dormir conmigo, pero ya después no pude sacarla de mi cama y allí duerme a mis pies.

She is a very spoiled dog and a little lazy, being small I made a special bed for her, which she never wanted to use and as she cried a lot, I let her sleep with me, but later I could not get her out of my bed and there she sleeps at my feet.



Con ella descubrí porque dicen que el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre, en mi caso de la mujer; ella es mi fiel compañera, quien me recibe siempre con alegría y que si la regaño por alguna travesura, no me guarda rencor; la amo muchísimo!

With her I discovered why they say that the dog is man's best friend, in my case the woman; she is my faithful companion, who always receives me with joy and that if I scold her for some mischief, she does not hold a grudge against me; I love her very much!




What a wonderful dog. You have your priorities straight when your faithful animal companion is so beloved.
