If you save an exotic animal you contribute to nature. /Si se salva un animal exótico se contribuye a la naturaleza..



Photo of my property.

There are many people dedicated to capturing these beautiful specimens in the Sierra de Perijá in Venezuela. The Banderas macaws live in tall trees and the hand of these human predators reaches there. They arrive with their cargo of almost newborn birds and are seen on the streets selling them in small cages.

One day a neighbor bought one of these to surprise his family. His wife did not know how to feed her. Investigating they were able to find a way to feed him with bread dipped in milk. But it turns out that the lady did not have the patience to do this work. She offered it to me and I accepted it because otherwise they were going to take her to a city park.

After these birds are plucked from their nests there is no way to return them to them. I fed her patiently, twice a day I gave him the wet bread between my fingers. It grew very fast and I became fond of the bird. We named him Guaca. I didn't know her gender, but I thought she was female. So I had her in my house, free, I could go as far as she wanted. He went into the rooms, into the kitchen, and then when he got tired of walking, he climbed through the entrance gate to a lattice space next to the door.


Photo of my property.

One of the antics I remember the most about her is when she poked her eye through the hole in the door handle. She would begin to peck at the edge of the door and then look, as if to say: let me in.

Their beaks are big and strong and they have to be always on the move, so they are drinkers of wood, walls and everything they can.
When I saw that she grew up and could be outside, I took her to a tree so that she could peck as much as she wanted, she adapted quickly. As long as they have something to do and food, they are adaptable to the environment.

One day when I went to feed her, I found her lying on the ground. He was already very rigid, there was nothing to do. He had died, perhaps from a heart attack or perhaps from another animal, such as a cat, they are very abundant in the neighborhood.

I felt a lot of pain for my guaca, but I also felt guilty. Although I have not brought it from its habitat, nor would I have bought it for personal satisfaction, I feel guilty because I know that these types of animals do not know how to live with humans. They try, but there are many things they stop doing because they are not in their environment.

From then on I tell anyone who can tell you not to buy animals on the street. They are not like cats or dogs that can be raised together with man.

This is my second entry to the contest carried out by @hivepets with its theme ¨Stories Of Our Little Angels¨.



Traducción al Español:

Existen muchas personas dedicadas a la captura de estos lindos ejemplares en la Sierra de Perijá en Venezuela. Los guacamayos Banderas viven en árboles altos y hasta allí llega la mano de estos depredadores humanos. Llegan con su cargamento de aves casi recién nacidas y se ven por las calles vendiéndolas en jaulas pequeñas.

Un día, un vecino compró uno de estos para sorprender a su familia. Su esposa no sabía cómo alimentarla. Investigando pudieron encontrar una forma de darle alimento con pan mojado en leche. Pero resulta que la señora no tuvo paciencia para hacer esta labor. Me la ofreció a mi y yo la acepté porque sino la iban a llevar a un parque de la ciudad.

Después de que estas aves son arrancadas de sus nidos no hay forma de devolverlos a ellos. La alimente con paciencia, dos veces al día le daba entre mis dedos el pan mojado. Creció muy rápido y me encariñé con el ave. Le pusimos por nombre Guaca. No sabía su sexo, pero pensé que era hembra. Así la tuve por mi casa, libre, llegaba hasta donde ella quisiera. Entraba a los cuartos, a la cocina y luego cuando se cansaba de caminar, subía por la reja de la entrada hacia un espacio enrejado que había al lado de la puerta.

Una de las travesuras que más recuerdo de ella es cuando asomaba su ojo por el hueco de la manilla de la puerta. Ella comenzaba a picotear el orillo de la puerta y luego miraba, como queriendo decir: déjame entrar.

Sus picos son grandes y fuertes y tienen que tenerlos siempre en movimiento por lo que son devoradores de madera, paredes y todo lo que puedan.
Cuando ya vi que creció y que podía estar afuera, la llevé a un árbol para que pudiera picotear todo lo que quisiera, se adaptó rápidamente. Siempre que tengan algo que hacer y comida, ellos son adaptables al ambiente.

Un día, cuando la fui a alimentar, la encontré tirada en el suelo. Ya estaba muy rígido, no había nada que hacer. Había muerto, quizás de un infarto o quizás por otro animal, como un gato, abundan mucho en el vecindario.

Sentí mucho dolor por mi Guaca, pero también me sentí culpable. Aunque no la haya traído desde su hábitat, ni la hubiera comprado yo para satisfacción personal, me siento culpable porque se que este tipo de animales no saben vivir con los humanos. Ellos hacen el intento, pero son muchas las cosas que dejan de hacer porque no están en su ambiente.

Desde allí en adelante a todo el que le pueda decir que no compre animales en la calle se los digo. Ellos no son como los gatos o los perros que si se pueden criar junto con el hombre.

Esta es mi segunda entrada al concurso que realiza @hivepets con su tema ¨Historias de nuestros Pequeños Ángeles¨.

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-14 at 5.37.49 PM.jpeg


That's very sad :( He looks super cute poking his eye through the keyhole though haha.
I agree with you, me and my partner have a few exotic pets but all of ours are rehomed animals, either bred in captivity or wouldn't survive if released. It is sad though...


I congratulate you, you did the right thing @bigdizzle91. We should not take the life of these beautiful animals just for our ego to have one and show it to friends. They are not raised the same in captivity, we hurt them. Thanks for reading my blog friend.
