Want to trade NFTs? & My eighth Cronic Card Mad Dawg hits the shelves


Todays Cronic card I added to the WAX market is Mad Dawg
While the WAX price has been soring the NFT sales have slowed, This led me to find some work arounds while using WAX wallet markets That didn't involve a flux Crypto for Barter, Dont get me wrong still much better then when I wasn't using WAX wallet but I had sort of a eureka moment I can start accepting other NFTs for Cronic Cards or KOGS some of the NFTs on WAX you may want to check out but dont want to deposit $20 or more into WAX wallet.
Other than that this makes directly trading splinterlands cards easy, so I can trade some of my duplicate legendries or Gold Cards for something of a similar value. You can include several assets different assets when trading so like 50 crap cards for one legendary card.
Or one Gold card for a pack I know not a great deal but arguably better then a bad pack.
This works for any wax wallet users assets simply enter their Wallet address & atomic Hubs trade function pops up both users inventory.

This wont require Ram like a market listing

This can be used to circumvent the issue of needing WAX to stake for ram post your first trade with splinterlands cards.

Simply trade me for some of My Cronic Cards paired with WAX. You will have to message for anything more sustantail in WAX but ill have a few cronic cards not for sale with WAX assets bound to it For this purpose to trade with splinterlands cards or packs.

Simply request the bound Cronic Card in a Fair Trade and you will get lower amounts of WAX without all the BS. splinterlands cards For KOGs as well All of mine are staked now but ill add a few to be able to accommodate users having issues getting WAX and want to trade or sell Splinterlands assets.

Ill also accept splinterlands cards for streight trades on any of the assets listed as long as the trade is fair the Cronic Cards will probobly be the best deal either bound to WAX or individually.
Post your trade offer to my WAX wallet account through atomic Hub market



These are sorta fascinating a slakeable NFT collection that grows more powerful with the more KOGS of that collection you stake. Or the more valuable KOGs you stake also seem to increase the Stake earning.
I stake my KOGS through this Wax DApp
Staking Earns me AETHER that can be exchanged for other crypto like WAX or ETH EOS and so on.

Staking KOGs that cost as little as $0.10 USD 1.5 WAXP Will begin to Earn staking benefits just not as fast. Ill have these to trade as well for those looking to see what they are all about.
