Blogging Challenge. Day 16. Part 1. What makes your happy?

Over the years, you understand more and more you begin to understand that happiness is something not material.
Happiness is when you are happy within yourself.
If you are happy, then everything around you is also good and harmonious.
Money, wealth - all this does not make a person happy if he is restless within himself.


For me now happiness is health, the opportunity to travel, and my loved ones alive and well.

  1. Health is something you can't buy. But money is important, and you can use it to buy good medical treatment and services.
    That is, money is a tool that helps to monitor your health, but not a goal.

  2. Close people, son, husband, mother, and already a grandson - this is the narrow circle that is very important for me.
    I have a very close relationship with each of them.
    The fear of losing someone is great enough, so every New Year I wish everyone good health and ask that the New Year does not take anyone away from me.

  3. Travel is my passion. This is the way of life that makes my life richer and brighter.
    I am glad that I discovered this wonderful world of colors from other countries, new impressions and new places.

