Seeing is believing?

Authored by @Pdc

You know what, it occurred to me to think ??? To which school do I belong to "those who believe after having seen" or to "those who believe without seeing" for a matter of space today we will reflect on those who "believe after having seen" and tomorrow we will continue with those who "believe without seeing" and on Wednesday we will make a summary and a conclusion of criteria that will help us to grow ...
Those who "Believe after having Seen", how many times have we said "If I do not see it, I do not believe it", we need to visualize what happens to believe what happens and we handle ourselves in a real and material world, tangible that we can touch, walk On insurance and until it happens we do not believe and therefore we are very limited in that situations have to occur and if not, many times we become disappointed and logically we enter into anguish, because we do not see what we want ... and the Bible records a specific case and it is in the book of Saint John 20:25 “The other disciples said to him: We have seen the Lord. He said to them: If I do not see in your hands the mark of the nails, and put my finger in the place of the nails, and put my hand in your side, I will not believe. " Apostle Tomas said it, now will we need to see to believe? ... We will follow her tomorrow
