Cleaned from all sin

Authored by @Pdc

Good afternoon everyone. May God bless you greatly.


All human beings have made mistakes more than once. Some are mild, others more serious. The problem is that at this point, it is where many make the decision to turn away from God thinking that He will never forgive them.
Today I want to remind you about your immense towards us, which is perfect. That he does not hold our failures in our face, does not recriminate us, or separate us from Him, on the contrary, he lifts us up, shakes the dust, heals our wounds and gives us new opportunities.

Let us go before God with a repentant heart, acknowledging our sins and He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

God bless you.

But if we acknowledge before God that we have sinned, we can be sure that he, who is just, will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1: 9 NASB
