¨SunThursdayContest¨ # 22 ¿Quién atrapó a quién? Who caught whom? (Spanish-English)


      La tarde no solo es la entrada del sol, es el anuncio del esplendor de la noche, es la continuidad de espalda; la luz no es que cede, es que voltea su rostro hasta el próximo amanecer.

     The afternoon is not only the entrance of the sun, it is the announcement of the splendor of the night, it is the continuity but backwards; the light does not give way, it is that it turns the face until the next dawn.


      Estas fotos las tomé en Inírida, capital del departamento del Guainía, Colombia. Al siguiente día seguí viendo al sol como parte del ramaje del árbol y al árbol como parte de los rayos del sol, al final ¿quién atrapó a quién?

     These photos were taken in Inírida, capital of the department of Guainía, Colombia. The next day I continued to see the sun as part of the tree branch and the tree as part of the sun's rays, in the end who caught who?


      Al ver estas fotos recuerdo ese momento y ese momento me recuerda que el atrapado fui yo, porque vuelvo una y otra vez sobre ese recuerdo que le da plenitud a mi existencia. Creo que al sol hay que mirarlo así, con enormidad, como si fuera el telón del fondo de tus ojos y así, de enormidad a enormidad, la vida puede engrandecerse, tanto como la tierra y los firmamentos.

     When I see these photos I remember that moment and that moment reminds me that I was the one who was trapped, because I return again and again to that memory that gives fullness to my existence. I believe that you have to look at the sun like this, with enormity, as if it were the backdrop of your eyes, and thus, from enormity to enormity, life can be magnified, as much as the earth and the firmaments.


We thank our friend @uwelang for inviting us to participate in this unique #22ThursdaySunshine Contest to the sponsors who make it possible @dswigle, @ervin-lemark, @theycallmed.


