White dove (the one of most famous birds)

Hi everyone, on this occasion I will show you beautiful bird species that are very tame when kept. Here are the pictures


In Latin this bird is called the Columbidae. Indonesian people know this bird as a "merpati putih" It mean is white dove. Pigeons are birds that are most liked by people to keep, in addition to being a fairly easy way to raise them, this bird is also very easy to tame. This bird is also edible and the meat is very tasty.

![img_0.5456878787736027.jpg]() ------------------------------------------------- ![img_0.37687184692050296.jpg]() -------------------------------------------------

Pigeons are a type of bird that is everywhere and the population is very large. Pigeons will be wild if found in the forest, but if they live in urban areas, they will be tame. However, even though this bird is tame, it will feel strange when someone who is not the owner approaches it, it really knows who its owner is, therefore it is also quite difficult to catch it. In the city of Milan, Italy, there are pigeons maintained and guarded by the state. Pigeons there are very accustomed to humans and even pigeons can be held and touched because they are so familiar with humans.

![img_0.8196561968048237.jpg]() ------------------------------------------------- ![img_0.5564904505094694.jpg]() ------------------------------------------------- Here are the other photos ![img_0.5533298889441379.jpg]() ------------------------------------------------- ![img_0.7227509525756228.jpg]() ------------------------------------------------- ![img_0.5159764913577461.jpg]() ------------------------------------------------- **the photos taked by : xiomi redmi not 9 pro** **target of photos : white dove** **Location : Aceh, Indonesia** **Edited on : picsart**



