[ENG-IND] Macro Photography - Red Spiky Monster


Red Spiky Monster

Natural world with its riches. Of the many human populations in the world, it is certain that there are still many areas that have not been reached by humans. And maybe many more species of animals, or plants that are still unknown, grow and live there wild, without human interference.
It is my hope that someday I can explore more deeply about the diversity in this world. My curiosity about plant animals is enormous. So that I kept looking deeper, as well as channeling my hobby, which is photography.
Through this macrophotography route, at least I can capture and share my works with friends who might also want to know about the civilization of the outside world.
Like the picture below, in my lifetime, I have never encountered this species. Reddish orange in color, and live in groups. Even when I approached them they remained in their position, as if I was not a threat.
I think they can tell which is a threat, or maybe they want to take a photo of them hanging out.
If we look closely, we can see the spikes on their back, maybe this is also a tool for them to survive, so they can stab their opponent.
Apart from that, they also have antennas that may be used to transmit signals and communicate with other compounds.

Alam dunia dengan kekayaannya. Dari sekian banyak penduduk manusia di dunia, dipastikan masih banyak sekali wilayah yang belum digapai oleh manusia. Dan mungkin banyak lagi spesies hewan, atau tumbuhan yang masih belum diketahui, tumbuh dan hidup liar disana, tanpa gangguan manusia.
Besar harapan saya, suatu saat nanti saya bisa menjelajahi lebih dalam lagi tentang keanekaragaman didunia ini. Rasa ingin tahu saya tentang hewan tumbuhan sangatlah besar. Sehingga saya terus menerus mencari lebih dalam lagi, sekaligus menyalurkan hobi saya, yaitu fotografi.
Lewat jalur macrophotography ini, setidaknya saya bisa mengabadikan serta membagikan karya-karya saya untuk teman-teman yang mungkin juga ingin mengetahui tentang peradaban dunia luar.
Seperti gambar dibawah ini, semasa hidup saya, saya belum pernah ketemu dengan spesies ini. Berwarna orange kemerahan , dan hidup bergerombol. Ketika saya mendekat pun mereka tetap berada pada posisinya, seakan-akan saya bukanlah sebuah ancaman.
Saya rasa mereka bisa membedakan mana yang sebuah ancaman, atau mungkin ingin mengambil foto mereka yang sedang berkumpul.
Jika dilihat lebih dekat, kita bisa melihat duri-duri yang berada dipunggung mereka, mungkin ini juga sebuah alat untuk mereka bertahan hidup, sehingga mereka bisa menusuk lawannya.
Selain itu, mereka juga memiliki antena yang mungkin digunakan untuk mengirim sinyal serta berkomunikasi dengan komplok lainnya.
Love From Indonesia,

For a collection of images, you can see below.

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-20 at 1.35.15 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-20 at 1.35.15 PM (2).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-20 at 1.35.15 PM (3).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-20 at 1.35.15 PM (4).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-20 at 1.35.15 PM (5).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-20 at 1.35.15 PM.jpeg)

Hoping that you guys will like it, and I Will Share more of my Collection.

Saya berharap kalian menyukainya, dan saya akan membagikan lebih banyak lagi dari koleksi saya.
thank you.

Photograpy Red Spiky Monster
Location of Photo Berastagi Forest, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Camera Used Xiaomi Pocophone F1 With Google Lens
Photographer @doodleman


its just custom robotaxi ants


hahaha, thats right, robotaxi is a good name lol


Nature offers the microscopic worlds we do not always see, Those are some up close photos. Thanks.
