Looking To The Horizon On New Years Day ❤️


May this year bring all that we had hoped for blockchain in 2020 and much much more.
This last year will be another for the history books. In 2019 we seen things such as Brexit and record setting CEO resignations amongst another chaos. I had predicted 2020 would be bad but had not anticipated COVID-19.
Who could anticipate a world wide response to a invisible threat? Who prepared for something to go down in 2020? Who profited from last years hardships? All three questions answered with the same well known names, look to those CEO resignations of 2019.
I believe that 2021 will be a year of much revolution as 2019 was change and 2020 came chaos. Humans by nature follow the rule of three’s. A year of change, a year of chaos…
Now I watch for a year of revolution 🧐 but what could that be?

That’s it, Happy New Year, d00k13 Out!
