(ENG||ESP) Initiative: Analyzing my favorite song. 🌈 Over the rainbow cover by Israel Kamakakiwo'ole.




Hi, Hivers! 💕 My friend @yohadvartse recently posted this initiative in which we had to analyze our favorite song. I was so excited when I saw it! Suddenly, many songs came to my mind and I was starting to doubt whether I could make my mind up and just pick one.


Hola hivers!💕 mi amiga @yohadvartse hace poco publicó esta iniciativa en la cual teníamos que analizar nuestra canción favorita. Estaba tan emocionada cuando lo ví! De pronto vinieron muchas canciones a mi mente y comencé a dudar si podría decidirme y solo escoger una.

Finally, I remembered a song I usually sing at all times. At home, at work, under stress, happy or sad. I am so faithful to this song that even when things seem uncertain, I find comfort in it and shelter or just a lot of joy, a lot of desire to live.

Finalmente, recordé una canción que suelo cantar en todo momento. En casa, en el trabajo, bajo estrés, alegre o triste. Le tengo tanta fe a esta canción que aún cuando las cosas parecen inciertas, encuentro consuelo en ella y refugio o simplemente mucha alegría, muchas ganas de vivir.

We all have a special song to listen to. They're those songs that, no matter how much we've listen to them or how much we've sung them, they'll never sound bad for us. Over the Rainbow is one of those songs, at least for me.

Todos tenemos una canción especial para escuchar. Son esas canciones que, sin importar cuánto las hemos escuchado o cuánto las hemos cantado, nunca sonarán mal para nosotros. Over the Rainbow es una de esas canciones, al menos para mí.


This song is originally from the movie "The Wizard of Oz" and it was sang by Judy Garland, but I've always felt fascinated by Israel Kamakakiwo'ole's version (Kamakaki...what?). It's not a common last name, isn't it? It's Hawaiian ☺️. You can read it again if you want to, the truth is that it wasn't easy for me to learn it either 🤭.

Esta canción es originalmente de la película El Mago de Oz y la cantaba Judy Garland, pero siempre me he sentido fascinada por la versión de Israel Kamakakiwo'ole (kamakaki... qué?). No es un apellido común, verdad? Es Hawaiano ☺️. Puedes leerlo nuevamente si quieres, la verdad es que para mí tampoco fue fácil aprenderlo 🤭.


This Hawaiian man mesmerized the world with his ukulele and a melody that as soon as you listen to it you might recognize it instantly.

Este hombre hawaiano hipnotizó al mundo con su ukelele y una melodía que en cuanto la escuches puede que la reconozcas al instante.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of
Dreams really do come true
Someday, I wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That’s where you’ll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow, a place that is probably more utopian than real, where dreams come true and problems melt like lemon drops.

It is not clear if we talk about a dreamed land, a philosophy, a desire, the heaven from the Jewish-Christian scriptures, or a person who dreams about releasing from the complex reality of the world.

En algún lugar sobre el arcoiris, un lugar que probablemente es más utópico que real, donde los sueños se cumplen y los problemas se derriten como gotas de limón.

No está claro si hablamos de una tierra soñada, una filosofía, un deseo, el cielo de las escrituras judío-cristianas o una persona que sueña con liberarse de la compleja realidad del mundo.

Any of these suggestions might be right, what is clear in the next verse is the yearning of the person who sings it about being there. Knowing it's not real... "why can't I?"

Cualquiera de estas sugerencias puede estar en lo correcto, lo que está claro en la siguiente estrofa es el anhelo de la persona que lo canta por estar allí. Sabiendo que no es real... "por qué no puedo?".

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dare to
Oh why, oh why can’t I?Well, I see trees of green and red roses too
I’ll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

From this version I love the ease with which Israel goes from one song to another, specifically What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong.

De esta versión amo la facilidad con la que Israel pasa de una canción a otra, específicamente a What a wonderful world de Louis Armstrong.

Well, I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

🌈There are things in life that we do not usually appreciate, such as the sky, the clouds, the brightness of the day and even darkness. Why don't we do it? This world is not perfect and there are still wonders in its details, in the dark and in the light. We must appreciate both to be able to contemplate the beauty of this imperfect world.🌈
🌈 Hay cosas de la vida que no solemos apreciar, como el cielo, las nubes, el brillo del día e incluso la oscuridad. Por qué no lo hacemos? Este mundo no es perfecto y aún hay maravillas en sus detalles, en la oscuridad y en la luz. Debemos apreciar ambas para ser capaces de contemplar la belleza de este imperfecto mundo. 🌈

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
And also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands saying
How do you do?
They’re really saying I, I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more then we’ll know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Someday I wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That’s where you’ll find me.

🌈 There is love in the small acts, in the friends who ask about you. People who, without expressing it, show you their love with actions. There is beauty in recognizing that children will always have the advantage that we once had and that the knowledge we have now cannot match the potential of the new generations.🌈
🌈 Hay amor en los pequeños actos, en los amigos que preguntan por ti. Personas que sin expresarlo, te demuestran su amor con acciones. Hay belleza en reconocer que los niños siempre tendrán la ventaja que nosotros algún día tuvimos y que el conocimiento que tenemos ahora no puede igualar el potencial de las nuevas generaciones. 🌈

We may not be able to escape to that utopian land we desire, but the union of these two songs is so perfect that it invites us to appreciate the little things that make our world beautiful.

Tal vez no podamos escapar a esa tierra utópica que deseamos, pero la unión de estas dos canciones es tan perfecta que nos invita a apreciar las pequeñas cosas que hacen bello a nuestro mundo.

This has been all for this post. I loved being able to share it with you, who have stayed to read it. I hope you've loved this song as much as I do 🥰

Esto ha sido todo por este post. Me ha encantado poder compartirlo contigo, que te has quedado a leerlo. Espero que hayas amado esta canción tanto como yo 🥰

Cover edited with Canva
Text partially translated by Google Translate
Text dividers Link
Letra de la canción

Portada editada con Canva
Texto parcialmente traducido con Google Translate
Separadores de texto Link


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