Daily Activity, The Old Building Is So Amazing For Its Beauty (Radio Rimba Pasee)


Hello My Friends On Hive community!!!

On this ocassion, I would like to sharing our stay in Radio rimba pase, This place in meunasah manyang, Kandang In lhokseumawe city. We are enjoy the natural view and waiting the sunset.


The people of kandang called is Radio Rimba pase, Because of that, there is many panorama when the people staying or enjoying in radio rimba pase, We meet The scenary a sunset a very beautiful view, We are happy our stay in this place, And now the are many people come to enjoy on this place because radio rimba pase this is good place to people like a same brother or sister.


Beautiful views from the top of this place and from below before going to the top, Look on the street, A very nice to our people when the people come and enjoy on this place, I am very interesting on this place. Good place and great work on daily activity on this sunday.


When I was little, this place didn't exist and at this peak it wasn't so beautiful as we see it now. When I was little, the road wasn't as good as it is now, Yes I know the older the world is, the more sophisticated the tools that humans create for today's modern times , We should be grateful, we are still given the opportunity to see the beauty that has been created by the universe. Maybe the picture is a little less HD, please understand, because my cellphone has also been used for a long time.


Glimpse of my hangout this time with friends and colleagues to enjoy the beautiful sunset this week's afternoon. Indeed ... Sometimes we are not grateful for the blessings that have been given by God. Even though there are so many blessings given, people are also less grateful for living in the world. My current activity is just studying and earning money, for daily needs.


Well ... my purpose in writing this is to show the sunset on this pase jungle radio. How do you think it's beautiful, right? yes of course your answer is beautiful, which beauty you answer is not beautiful. all these sunsets were created to see and also enjoy them. I love the beauty of this pase jungle radio, the place is also attractive, the beauty is even more interesting.


This photo taken by my smartphone

Place in aceh, indonesia country

Best regard from me @joooi

1Categoryview on radio rimba pasee, enjoy and waiting the sunset
3LocationMy village - Aceh - Indonesia
