Enjoying Ghent to the fullest


The only full day in Ghent was one with a lot of walking and a lot of sightseeing. Walked around town in the morning, had a visit to the Gravensteen castle around noon and walked some more to a slightly newer area in the afternoon. Here are some pictures to round up the day:

Gravensteen castle

View on the city centre from the castle tower

The provincial government building south of the centre

Historical buildings along the Leie river

Together with the great food and drinks, I had a blast once again. Such a shame the trip is already over, but it's also good to have some days at home before work starts again.
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Je maakt me jaloers met je dineetjes ;)
Maar gelijk heb je, schijt aan de regering, wij betalen hen.


Haha, sorry daarvoor. Hopelijk snel ook weer in een restaurant bij u in de buurt 🤞


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