On the topic of the past Discovery-it Art Contest: My Ideal Mask



My Ideal Mask

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my entry

Greetings to all!

Today I came across an old post on the topic of the Discovery-it Art Contest. I really liked the idea of this contest. I wanted to dream up about the design of masks. The first thing that came to my mind was the logo of our platform HIVE. Yes, I would like to have such a mask! This looks very impressive and will be an excellent advertising site. I will put this option up for competition. The rest of the mask design ideas are attached as a statement of the direction of creative soap without commercial intent.


The next option is comic. But this design also looks good in my opinion. Looking at such a mask design, there are a lot of interpretations of the pattern. You can apply such a slogan - while the fat one dries, the thin one dies.


I would love to have such a mask! I hope the owners will not find my idea an encroachment on their intellectual and commercial property. If they use my post or have already made similar masks, I will only be glad of this.


The logo of another leader of the fashion industry, Dolce and Gabana, also looks pretty good on the mask. Maybe I would even prefer this to the first option. Less glamor and more aesthetics.


And one more option on the brand of my favorite jeans. This option also looks better on a black background. But for a change I made on white material

Free to use.
Thank you for viewing

Stand by

Sincerely yours


