



A few days ago I observed a person whose gender I could not determine walking through a very crowded square in our neighborhood, his dress was so ridiculous to me and his haircut so indefinite as it was colorful that I was left wondering if he was a male teenager or woman.

Immediately the memory of the Harry Potter movies came to mind when they learned to cast the spell they called "riddikulus" and that supposedly served to counteract and lessen the devastating effects of the panic that the Boggartns cause when they transform into what the opponent most fears. The spell caused the change of what was feared into something ridiculous, funny; in such a way it was neutralized.

I sat on a bench in that square, under the shade of a huge, old and leafy Ombú, a little to mitigate the effects of the December sun, a few days before summer and contemplate the people passing by and the children playing in the patio especially adapted for them, full of hammocks, slides, climbing ropes and tunnels to explore.

In addition to that person that I related at the beginning, I saw others whose clothing, ornaments, haircut (or absence thereof) showed a total lack of adherence to norms that until not so long ago were considered to be of good taste and aesthetic sense.

The sense of ridicule is something that is being inexorably lost, most people no longer care what others may think about them, maybe it is a good thing or not. I am not the one to judge anyone but if I must admit that many of these attitudes shock me deeply, of course, I am from another generation and educated in a different way.

As a mirror of society, politics and politicians have also realized that contrary to what was previously thought, it becomes ridiculous and almost without consequences. People probably no longer care about those things that are now considered trifles and of course the representatives of the voters have learned it quickly, today they can say anything or make an absolutely wrong decision and against all logic, magically, as in In the Harry Potter movies, soon everyone forgets those actions and the politician continues his career as if nothing had happened.

So we are and it seems to me we are not doing well.


Hace unos días observé caminando por una muy concurrida plaza de nuestro barrio a una persona cuyo sexo no pude determinar, su vestimenta era tan ridícula para mí y su corte de pelo tan indefinido como colorido que me quedó la duda de si era un adolescente varón o mujer.

Inmediatamente vino a mi mente el recuerdo de las películas de Harry Potter cuando aprenden a conjurar el hechizo al que denominaron riddikulus y que supuestamente servía para contrarrestar y aminorar los efectos devastadores del pánico que provocan los Boggart al transformarse en aquello que el contrincante más teme. El hechizo provocaba el cambio de lo temido en algo ridículo, gracioso; de tal manera quedaba neutralizado.

Me senté en un banco de esa plaza, bajo la sombra de un enorme, antiguo y frondoso Ombú, un poco para mitigar los efectos del sol de diciembre, pocos días antes del verano y contemplar la gente pasar y los niños jugar en el patio especialmente adaptado para ellos, lleno de hamacas, toboganes, cuerdas para trepar y túneles donde explorar.

Además de esa persona que relaté al principio vi otras cuya vestimenta, adornos, corte de pelo (o ausencia del mismo) mostraban una total falta de apego a normas que hasta hace no tanto tiempo eran consideradas de buen gusto y sentido estético.

El sentido del ridículo es algo que se está perdiendo inexorablemente, a la mayoría de la gente ya no le importa lo que otros puedan pensar sobre ellos, quizás sea algo bueno o no. No soy quien para juzgar a nadie pero si debo reconocer que muchas de esas actitudes me chocan profundamente, claro soy de otra generación y educado de forma distinta.

Como un espejo de la sociedad, la política y los políticos también se han dado cuenta que al revés de lo que antes se pensaba, del ridículo se vuelve y casi sin consecuencias. Probablemente a la gente ya no le importe esas cosas que ahora se consideran nimiedades y por supuesto los representantes de los votantes lo han aprendido rápidamente, hoy pueden decir cualquier cosa o tomar una decisión absolutamente equivocada y en contra de toda lógica, mágicamente, como en las películas de Harry Potter, al poco tiempo todos olvidan esas acciones y el político sigue su carrera como si no hubiera acontecido nada.

Así estamos y me parece no vamos bien.

Las fotografías son de mi propiedad excepto las que menciono la fuente.
The photographs are my property except those mentioned by the source.

Héctor Gugliermo


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The line of what is socially acceptable has been moved. In some ways, it has been completely obliterated. Then when you try to criticize someone, you are deemed some-sort-of-phobic and maybe even arrested or banned for 'Hate Speech' - I am sorry but you cannot legislate for or against hate speech. Everyone hates something and talking about it cannot be punished. I hate slavery, so am I guilty?
There is a long list of immoral things that I hate. They are strange and improper in a park setting with kids present. But we are of the generation that did what God said was good and avoided all that He said was an abomination. The line has been moved.


This is how it is dear friend, it is a harsh reality that we have to live in these moments.
