[Esp/ Eng] Pollitos Recien Nacido//Newborn Chicks



Hola amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad , gracias por permitirme estar con todos ustedes,dandoles un poco mas de mi contenido.


Hello friends of this wonderful community, thank you for allowing me to be with all of you, giving you a little more of my content.


Hoy les quiero contar acerca de estos polluelos emplumados, recién nacidos muy hermosos, a mi abuela le encanta criar animales y sobre todo aves de corral, le preocupaba que estos polluelos picaran la cáscara, pero no nacieron pensé que los huevos se dañarían, porque su mamá se levantó temprano de su nido, porque otra gallina culeca la sacó, lo que hizo fue sacarlos de su nido y como ya tenían su tiempo de nacer, los ayudó a nacer con mucho cuidado.

Today I want to tell you about these feathered chicks, very beautiful newborns, my grandmother loves to raise animals and especially poultry, she was worried that these chicks would bite the shell, but they were not born I thought that the eggs would be damaged, because her mother got up from her nest early, because another culeca hen took her out, what she did was take them out of their nest and since they already had their time to be born, she helped them to be born very carefully.


Me alegra que por lo menos se salvaran estos cuatros polluelos, ya que los demas estaban frios y no lograron salir a tiempo, cuanto estan pequeños son hermosos , los aliementa con maiz molido aqui les decimos pico a su alimentacion por que se puede ligar con otro tipo de alimentos para aves.

I am glad that at least these four chicks were saved, since the others were cold and could not get out in time, when they are small they are beautiful, he feeds them with ground corn, here we say peak to their feeding because it can be linked with another type of bird food.


Cada dia se van sumanado mas polluelos al corral, mi abuela dice que criando sus gallinas se ahorra un poco el dinero con la compras de los huevos, ya que un carton de huevo cuesta mas de un sueldo minimo.

Every day more chicks are added to the corral, my grandmother says that raising her hens saves a little money with the purchase of eggs, since a carton of eggs costs more than a minimum salary.


Este ha sido mi post de hoy, gracias por apoyar hasta luego, bendiciones para cada uno de ustedes. @gladiannys

This has been my post today, thanks for supporting see you later, blessings for each of you. @gladiannys
