To fret or not to fret


Back and forth...

Change of mind...

What if it is?

And if it isn't?

Too many questions...

Even more contradicting answers...

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It's just lots and lots of indecision. More importantly, not making a decision at the right time. Many of us face such issues; we self-doubt and look for alternatives to some particular aspect. We're afraid of jumping into conclusions too fast and then we weary ourselves over not making a just decision. Our mind is making too many calculations without coming to the point.

We Overthink

I know not all of us face such dilemmas; but some do. The troubles for them are endless. Yes, maybe we do not often face a complication in choosing our breakfast or coffee or may quickly judge which route or transportation to take to reach our destination. If I start listing all the points where we don't make a mess of ourselves worrying about what to choose there are many; if I count the other side, the population isn't any less intimidating. Mind you there are just some certain areas where we fumble.

Oh, you don't fumble that often? How about what clothes did you choose to wear today? Hmm? Now what? It's okay; it's quite common to be indecisive about what to wear and what not to wear? "Dress to impress" right? Although we don't take all day or hours to go through our closets and find that perfect outfit for the day. Hey, it happens to guys too even if they don't admit. Outfit selection is probably a very less bothersome among all the indecisiveness or overthinking that we do and then again it happens to be such a regular thing.

We often face difficulties when facing certain situations. Confrontation being one of those; we often avoid it. For example, we have to tell of a certain acquaintance that he/she can't just demand anything from us and such conversation isn't always easy. We stagger over if we should go through with it or leave it; then if we decide to go for it then we ponder about what to say or how the whole conversation would sound like.

Do you know what I was thinking? No, I don't usually fumble around choosing my breakfast or any meal, nor I'm indecisive about what to wear. I was going through a series of questions myself while I was writing. I admit I go through some troubles over what to write or how to write or where to start or where to end; that is constant with me. I'm not sure if it is the same with you. For some, writing comes naturally, so much so that they (almost) don't face some sort of nagging feeling such as "should I really write this or not." Perhaps it's another case of teetering about the words. And for me writing often ends up as a daily rant or shit post; I have a long way to go.

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It is said that this overthinking attitude of our derives from negativity and our past issues, why not? If our lives were any less complicated or we hadn't fought our own battles or gone through a series of trials or lemons that life had thrown at us then none of us would be facing such a predicament. Life would be rainbows and unicorns, but it isn't. If life was like those multiple choice questions on exams that we sit through, it would still be easier because we have only a few options to choose from and one of them has to be the correct answer. We don't end up ticking the accurate answer all the time; heck we don't even get the MCQs of life.

Overthinking is a problem; it makes our stressful life even more toilsome. If there was an easy way out for everyone then they will take it. Sadly, not two people are the same, nor the problems they face are the same, nor the way they analyze are similar; so why would the final result be identical. If all the conflicting situations were similar, then no one would replay the scenario in their mind over and over again thinking if there could be an alternative. We are different from one another, and so contributing factors are interchangeable. There are bigger challenges we withstand; with the right mix or positivity and conjecture, we get the upper hand.



The fewer options you have, the easier it is to make decisions.

When it comes to most things I like to keep things simple. I follow the minimalist approach.

Also when facing a difficult situation where I find it hard to make a choice I flip a coin.

As a writer as well I do struggle with ideas, esp when I have too many of them. How I get through the overwhelming feeling of wanting to talk about so many things simultaneously is by writing something at least. J
