Think Before You Speak



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The tongue is the most powerful tool on planet earth. It has the power to make or mar you.

Your tongue can either save or kill you depending on how you choose to use it.

The Africans believe that words can bring kola nut from the pocket and can also make someone draw out his sword.

With this, they caution us to know what comes out of our mouth. The words of our mouth are so powerful that they can either start or end a war.

In Philosophy, we have Epimetheus and Prometheus. These two are gods in Greek mythology.

Epimetheus is regarded as the "hindsight" or simply put an "afterthinker". He simply does things first and then think afterwards.

Prometheus, being his brother, was regarded as a the one with "foresight". He thinks first before he does anything and could be termed a "fore-thinker".

In life, we need to be like Prometheus, we need to weigh our words and their effects on people before making them.

While sword is powerful, pen is regards as mightier and we use words when writing to communicate.

It doesn't matter the position you hold in the society, your words are weapons. They can save or kill you depending on how you choose to use then.

So to be a on safer side, consider your words carefully, think about their effects on the ears that will hear them and their reactions. That way, you can be sure you are not creating any problem for yourself.

In essence, you save yourself and those around you when you think through your words before making them.

Remember we all have brains but not many use it. To actualize the full potentials of your brain, you need to put it to work.

To do that, you need to think. Engage your brains and make sure every word is clearly thought out and considered harmless before speaking them.

Thanks for your time.
