A Situation Like #georgeflloyd (Self Defense Situation # 127)


When we see someone getting hurt and forced to leave the last breath, this is painful and unbearable. I lost my words what to say about this. I have been making posts and sharing different things about how to defend yourself.

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Welcome back to Self Defense Situation # 127. Every situation is different and you cannot fit one thing in every situation. What works in one situation, that might not work in another situation. When you fight for self defense, your move should be based on the situation.

As you know, in this series of posts, I usually share a video and talk about what possible actions you can take in order to protect yourself. Today I do not need to share any video. I will just share a tag. #georgeflloyd. That's it. We all know what happened.

If you are in that situation, and this happens to you, what would you do? That's a difficult question. There are situations in life when you may find it hard to decide what to do. Observing the situation, you might decide not to fight. When you are about to die and you find nothing to do, you will at least try to save yourself.

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Let's see it from self defense perspective. The attacker is putting pressure on your neck with his knee. You're on the ground and your face is on the ground. If there is space, you can move. But the thing is, you are trapped by the back of the car, so there is not a lot of space to move.

In a situation like this, you have to decide what you would do. And if you choose to fight back, let's see what possible options you have. If you try to raise your head up, you cannot do that or that's so difficult because the attacking putting pressure directly to your neck. Your face is on the ground, as a result, you cannot raise your hands. Moreover, you are trapped behind the car.

You can use you hands and legs to get strength. Use your strength and force to move to the side if there is little space. As soon as the attacker's knee moves from your neck, you can turn. When you turn, you can fight back.

If you are trained, use your whole body to slide the attacker from your neck, you have the chance to make your next move. What do you think? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Thank you so much for reading this. Stay safe. Always be happy!

About Me

Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, self defense, and digital marketing. I started making videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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