The Alpha.


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It had been an experiment, one conjured simply by my naughty mind. I was sick and tired of
rats scurrying about as if they owned the place. I paid the rent! Damnit!

These vermin's had eaten through my books gathered painstakingly over a decade. My
clothes were not left out either. And my food?It was nothing other than a buffet. Matter of fact, it was our food.

I was done putting up with this, I had to put a stop to their reign of terror. All the gums
and drugs I had used earlier had proved abortive. They seemed to be multiplying faster than they were dying. It had to stop. I was the Alpha in my own house.

On that fateful day, I took a piece of dried fish as bait. As usual, I was about to put the
indocid on the fish when I stopped to think. Why should I put only indocid? That was no longer working right? Why not indocid and other drugs?

A light bulb lit up in my head and the next thing I knew, I was taking tramadol and codeine, even a little weed. Grinding them all into a fine multicolored powder, I put it generously on the piece of fish. The powder remained so I took out another piece and poured out the rest over it. Then I placed these pieces of fish in the corner the rats frequented.

If this didn't work, nothing on God's green earth could possibly kill these bastards. I went about my duties for the day, the poison I had set for the rats constantly on my mind. Every now and then, I stole glances to check if they had fallen for my bait.

When one finally fell,I knew at once. Not because my eyes were on that spot at that
moment, but because it let out a loud squeak drawing my attention. With sick relish, I watched as the rat gobbled up this piece of fish. Finishing it up in seconds.

There and then, I knew I was going to watch it die. I couldn't miss it for anything.
Once done, as though finally sensing my presence, the rat made to bolt off, but ran straight into the wall with a sickening thud. I chuckled, the bloody thing was high. It tried again, and
ran right into the wall once more.

This time, the force sent it bouncing off. And this time, it didn't get back up. I frowned then, feeling a bit disappointed, it had died from highness. Not the poison. If I had known,I would have made sure it was dead for real. But I didn't, cause I didn't know.

So I turned to go get a broom when I heard it squeak. Then it was twisting itself into impossible positions, painful sounds escaping it's mouth as it writhed on the floor.

Maybe now would have been the best time to kill the beast once and for all. But no! I was too busy nodding my head in Glee, watching the rodent get what it deserved. I kept watching as the rat let out a long piercing squeal. From a small animal, the loudness terrified me.

Then to my greatest shock, the vermin flipped over and was on it's legs once more. And it
was staring up, at me. But that wasn't what chilled my bones and froze me to a spot, it was the eyes. They were glowing red. And they shone with a burning intensity as they focused on me.

The rat didn't move. I didn't move either, frozen with terror. One of us had to run. And I suddenly knew it wouldn't be the rat.

“What have I done?” I asked myself stupidly, when the answer was right in front of me. I had created a monster.




@prayzz, Alpha Creator faced the Rat.

Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.
