A Day Out to Botanical Garden


Botanical Garden at Mirpur is a huge source of Oxygen for one of the most populated capitals of the earth Dhaka'Number 10th at the moment'. It has a variety of natural resources with an area covering more than 200 acres which were established during 1961. If you love nature you would love this beautiful green place.

The amazing thing is the place I found is trees, flowers, and the water lake & pond. With 1000,000 preserved specimens of plants, this is a rich sector of the scientific sector of Bangladesh.

I was a regular weekend visitor to the beautiful garden before Coronavirus affecting the world and today I would like to share a few pictures with you. Basically, we and our kids enjoy walking and running in the huge garden. We love trees and they like flowers and open space, together it is a huge package for any family living nearby.

We always start from the back gate as it is close to my living place and after walking for a couple of hours we get back in the same way and sometimes we do go to the front gate to meet our other purpose like dinner out.

Most of the time we do visit the place in the afternoon as it is cooler during summertime and fewer visitor as it closes with sunset.

The amazing thing was the Lots ponds which are dead at the moment due to some unknown reason. But I could recall a huge pond with thousands of flowers while I was a kid but, don't be disheartened there are still a few reserved locations in the road garden to satisfy your eyes.


Two huge Rose field (entry limited) you could observe out of the fence, thousands of different trees, open space, water/ bird watching including everything this is an ideal place for a day tour or just for a walk. You could visit the Dhaka Zoo besides the Garden on the same day but my suggestion would not visit both on the same day. Both included sweating walk due to you have to cover a lot of walking to watch all the animals and trees area.

I hope you would find this place as beautiful as I said and my recommendation is not to be too excited while you are there and please do not harm any plant or animals.
