Quidditch Splinterlands [A 12 Mana Game] [The Power of Death]


This is my first participation in the writing contest sponsored by @bdcommunity and my first day of the year in the "Splinterland Quidditch", I am very excited to have the opportunity to share with you about this great game that is @splinterlands. This competition is a challenge for me, as a battle with only 12 mana is not easy to play, as we have to choose our cards very carefully and have already a strategy in mind in order to counteract our opponent's move.

For this challenge, I had the opportunity to choose not only my favorite Splinter in the whole game, but also the strongest one that I currently have, which is "Death", of course it was a very fast battle, but I will start by detailing it in order, so I will start as follows:

  • Set of rules
  • Alignment and Strategy
  • Pros and Cons of the Strategy
  • Conclusion

Now if we start...




A particular battle with 2 interesting rules, but difficult to combine, these rules were

  • Reverse Speed: Very easy to understand and possess play sometimes. With this rule simply the monsters with the lowest speed are the first to attack.

  • Lost Magic: Another very simple rule, in this one the monsters with magic attack can't be used in the battle, so you can't choose this type of carts to play.

Link to the Battle



Zintar Mortalis The battle only allowed to use 3 types of Spliners that were; Fire, Water and Death. Of course I was inclined to use my strongest equipment in battle, so for that reason I chose to play with my strongest summoner "Zintar Mortalis". Now once I chose this one what followed was to think what monsters I could use to fit the rules of the battle and how I could win with these.

Haunted Spirit.png

Haunted Spirit My kill team is at a high level, so many of my cards don't have low speed, however, since it's a really mana-scarce battle, I focused on using a tank with the "Heal" skill, which would allow it to heal from my opponent's attacks and which of course has 9 life points, so it would be more than enough to withstand attacks and make my opponent's game difficult, plus it was the only tank with low speed at a high level that I own, so my Haunted Spirit came in handy.

Furious Chicken.png

Furious Chicken My chosen card for the second position. There is not much behind the placement of this card, in my strategy I just thought of placing a decoy monster that would adsorb the possible attacks of my opponent, a monster with the ability of "Snipe". This would give me more time to attack and give my last thrower a chance to destroy my opponent's baseline, in short my Ckicken is simply "Cannon Fodder".

Twisted Jester.png

Twisted Jester The last card in my lineup and one that complements my strategy, I didn't have many options in terms of lower speed cards to attack first, at this point I thought of two things. The first one was to place a monster with enough life to be able to endure such a low mana battle, the second one was simply to have a high attack power that would allow me to destroy my opponent's bottom line with a couple of attacks, it didn't matter that he didn't attack first, but having a high attack power would allow me to have the advantage that his monster no matter how slow it was was going to fall first.



Pros of my Battle

My strategy worked very well despite going against one of the rules of battle, which is that the slowest attacks come first. My opponent's strategy failed largely because his Furious Chicken was level 3 and mine was level 1, so being at higher levels and the card gets a melee attack point and this takes this card off my Twisted Jester's radar for its snipe ability, which clearly focuses on attacking those who possess magical attack and rank or those who do not possess any kind of attack, is for this reason that your Jester attacked my Ckicken first, already at that point I automatically got the advantage, since my Jester attacked directly to yours.

Cons of my Battle

My strategy was clearly not perfect, I was able to win because of some details that my opponent of course did not contemplate would happen, however, my opponent could have used several cards that would possibly give him the victory and the story would have been different.

So I will detail which cards my opponent would have used that would have allowed him to win:
  • Undead Archer A monster with very low mana, which has a very useful skill called "Affliction". This skill is activated when the monster that possesses it reaches the opponent's monster and manages to hit it, this is when it prevents the monster from activating its "Heal" skill, which leaves it vulnerable without being able to recover, a monster with which I would have won.

  • Furious Chicken Level 1 This card was clearly used by my opponent, but it was at level 3, so I added a melee attack point to it, leaving it off my Twisted Jester's radar and putting my opponent's Jester in my sights. However, if his Chicken was at level 1, his card would have attacked my Jester first and lost my baseline attack, causing my defeat.


12 mana battles must be approached with care, many people are inclined to battle with monsters that regain their health, but this can easily be countered as I commented on the cons of my battle. So the lesson of this challenge and with battles of such low mana, is that we must think very well our strategy and anticipate how our opponent might think, this is the key to be victorious.


BDCommunity Presents:- Splinterlands Quidditch [Year 1]



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