Ain't No Sunshine, Just The Burning


There are always two paths diverged in front of me whenever I was struggling, one was about going on with the struggle path and the other is a romantic one. I hate the first past, but I am not ready to give up on it. Cause it's the only path I in which I could look and see the end. It's a clear path, nothing is covering my vision towards the end. The romantic one is totally different.


When I look at this romantic path, I can't even find a path to look at. It's just like a spider web, everything looks like a tangled earphone. But I love music, so it's creating this chaos more romantic. If I'm at the peak of my struggles, my mind will be all about just stepping forward to this path of chaos. I don't need a path with certainty. I need chaos and mystery.

But when I'm out of those struggles, I am a very rational person. I couldn't find any meaning in stepping towards this path of love. It's just overrated foolishness. There's nothing more than some stupid dreams and vague thoughts. I wanted a path with clarity at that time, where I can look at and feel the growth I am having each moment. But still, the struggles demotivate me.

It's always like this, sometimes I tried to take a step forward at any of those, but within minutes I get bored and I will come again back to the starting point. The ones who were with me have already reached far.

I'm still standing there, confused. I'm not that much energetic anymore but still, I couldn't make a right move. Finally, the time came, I saw some people returning from the paths they have travelled. They are not sad, they are the happiest ones, they are happy than the ones who reached far more than them.
