How an app called "Numerology - rediscover your life path" caught me by surprise this morning


Overwhelmed by recognition

This morning I was working on my website in a smooth flow when I suddenly was caught by surprise after my boyfriend sent me a link to an app that I'd probably like. I had no idea at the time of receiving it, that this would cause hours of distraction into my day and feeling overwhelmed by recognition of everything that was written in there. Naturally, when something like this occurs, I start writing about it and want to share this with the world. I'm all pro sharing positive and great things with others so that they can also enjoy these things.

The thing is that I was about three paragraphs in writing the post, and feeling completely stuck right then and there as I kept processing all the information that I had read in the previous hours. It was literally like someone had started to document my life until now and wrote a book about it. On personal, emotional, work- and relationship level. It was all spot on honestly. I've walked through all these paths in my life (some heavier than others, yes, of course). I feel that reading all of this was the extra confirmation I needed to feel that I'm on the right path.

This was all triggered by an app called "Numerology - rediscover your life path"

I will dedicate another separate post about this APP once I've managed to clear my head and sort out my thoughts and all the memories it has triggered while reading through it. Once you've installed it and filled in your birthday and name, the app contains so much info, it's not like reading a short horoscope and then either like or dislike it and move on with your day. No, for those interested in numerology, I can assure you, that this app shall make an impact. In my case, it has anyway. And honestly, it's a good holding up a mirror from time to time to do some serious self-reflection.

It's so needed to grow in life and that's exactly what I read several times as well, that people that carry the master number 33 (like I do) as a life path number should continue to learn in life and I think that's exactly what I've been doing in the past years. I've always had heavy emotions, may it be happiness or sadness, grieve or anger, they can all hit me extremely hard compared to others in my life. I can truly feel sick and become ill when I have this overload of emotions. It has happened to me numerous times in my life that I've started throwing up from sadness and grieve, feeling unwell for several weeks physically.

I need to process this information

And that's fine, I feel overloaded with some emotions while at the same time I also feel that I'm 100% on the right path and track and things are unfolding as they should be. At the same time, I felt that I had to share this today with the people that will be drawn to this post, as I think there may be others that can benefit from reading these things.

For me, self-reflection is very important as it will make me aware of what I'm doing right or wrong currently, as I know very well the traps that are in front of me to be drawn to distractions. I have struggled for years to be able to "fight" them, and be stronger and more determined to pull myself towards where I want to be, and honestly, I have to say that when I look back at this struggle, I"m proud of myself that I got to this point. Life has been challenging in every phase of my life, but the hardest parts of my life, have indeed been the biggest lessons and were responsible for the biggest changes in my attitude and confidence.

I stopped reading for now as my mind is overloaded :)

Even though I love love love the app, I hate the fact that several hours of my working hours are now "wasted" without me being productive according to plan. So I stopped reading, for now, to focus on my website again after I have lunch. On a positive note, it's also given me fresh inspiration for this (and another) post and even gave me a confidence boost to stick to my plans and never let anyone take away the joy of being able to see the bigger picture and being able to zoom out things to see it clearly. Not everyone can do this, I should cherish the fact that I can.

Even if some projects may fail in the end, that's fine because it's all been good for something, a learning curve, and life lessons along the way which I can use in the next project. I should not allow myself to feel miserable for failing some things and talk myself down, but focus on the positive things, because they are worth mentioning.


Today went totally different than expected so far, but that doesn't mean that's a bad thing, I will have a nice lunch in a bit, take a hot shower and clear my mind while doing so. After that, I will clean up the apartment and then probably continue working on my website. I have set myself a deadline by the end of this week so that next week when my boyfriend is on a holiday from work, I can focus on reaching out to potential clients. Without needing to be in the "home office" all week but have a bit more relaxed week without work-related topics.



A friend once gave me a book about numerology, it was also working with your date of birth, maybe it's the same method as the app uses. It's amazing, how this works! It had a huge impact on me, a very good tool for self-reflection and self-improvement.
This is one of the things that make me believe in something like a "greater plan" ^^

So good to read about your path and that you feel you're on the right way, although it's never been the easy one. I really can relate to that <3 It's so exciting to be a human!

I'm sure I'm gonna check out this app, thanks for the tip :-)
And good luck with your website! Sounds like you've just started a new business?

Big hugs <3


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Nice to read this and sounds interesting. Can't find an app with this exact name though ( on my iphone ). Where did you find it?

Um abraco,

