RE: El Salvador Making Global Crypto News


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My man the futurist! Dude i really always love your posts. The pot crypto comparison did crack me up. For that matter i think people should be able to decide for themselves even if they'd like to destroy their lives with heroin. They should be free do do so and choose. As much as the dangers become apparent, so does a social trend prevent it when appropriations take place naturally in a society with a high morale. Less harmless or more harmless stops to even make a difference opposed to individuals taking charge of themselves and their community. State indoctrination and regulations cause things to get out of hand because we give them the responsibility. We need to get it back and as you mentioned decentralize, increase distribution and use our own payment system. Compared to the state of the current payment systems that are like horse, buggies and carriages some really have the potential to drastically change this landscape.


State indoctrination and regulations cause things to get out of hand because we give them the responsibility.

It also makes people behave like children, always having daddy to decide for them. Like you said, if one wants to destroy his or her life with heroin, it is their life. Who am I to tell them not to?

Crypto is going to bring up much larger philosophical discussions. The sad reality is most people are not adult enough for crypto. They prefer the nanny state even though they complain about it.

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