Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain


Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain


I would actually call this the end of the beginning.

In the near future, most govern-cement Balkanize.
Mostly because people work out that govern-cements aren't giving them anything for their money. So they stop paying.

Further, corporations work out that the govern-cement is just in the way, so they take over.

Then later, corporations die a painful death as people have built the means to just ignore them.

Cities become hell holes.
The only kids that go to "public" schools are those who are too poor, or are orphans.

Food shortages are the new normal. Big Ag has destroyed the land. Farmed it to death.
At the same time the grand solar minimum is hitting. Shorter growing season. Lots of rain at the wrong time. Floods, freezes...

At the same time many innovations start to appear in technology.
Science is completely rewritten.
New energy sources. New communication methods.

This creates a never before seen thing.
Communities building wherever they damn well want to.

Imagine no need to care about power lines, water, or internet.
Wherever you build that's all good.

So, where do you build your community?
You don't need to be near a road or river.

No "wealth" makes it through.

Gold will go up and up and up... until it is found that you can just use harmonies to get it out of the ground. And then shortly after, people will learn to make the stuff from plasma physics.
All the gold you want.

Silver will be NEEDED for many new technologies, and will be of govern-cement security importance levels. And then so much of that goes away.

Crypto currencies will be the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Until they are not.
It is really hard to describe the shift.
Currently you think of everything in dollar terms.
What if you thought of everything in hours of your time.
On top of that you were mostly self sufficient.
So, crypto currencies morph into computer-aided-barter.
The block chain is used to request and track raw materials.

So, there is nothing that gets wealth from here to there.
House prices will soon be slashed as much as 99%.
Gold will go up and up, and then be used for non-stick pan linings.
Corporate stocks will soon be shown to not exist... and then they corporations will be shown to not exist.
Cryptos will seem like the way, then everyone will take a left turn...(at a town in the middle of New Mexico)


kenny, where did you invest your beard in? ;)


I traded it in for a less itchy face. Thing is, it always seems to come back :-P


I think your prophetic soul is 37 miles ahead of the pack. Yes. Questioning what will have value in this rapidly changing world? Covid19 has been a wonderful testing exercise to make us think. I DO wonder about crypto and internet in general in a world where the internet services are centralized and expensive - here in Thailand we saw people unable to afford wifi during covid when their jobs evaporated.

Would love to read your thougths on that sometime.


Investment advice = MTG cards!
We live in a crazy world :-)
Have you played Axie Infinity? A group of hard-core Axie players were/are also into MTG. In the Axie world we have ‘Mystic’ Axies which are also seen as a solid store of value.


We certainly do right?

I haven't played, or heard of, that one until this point. It's pretty wild how many games there are that actually are great stores.. or at least the oldest stuff is.
