Lineman Fireworks Anyone?


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So I am not going to go into all the details but I did catch some pretty awesome videos of an 8 amp fuse blowing and our thumping machining finding the bad spot on a piece of cable.

We may have woke the neighbors at 4 am when we closed in that fuse after reworking the pole In order sectionalize the line to make it easier to find the fault. There were 12 people without power this morning and it is suppose to get 100F+ today. We flipped a coin to see what fuse we were going to close in first and looks like the first one was the bad one. So then we close the other to energize over half the customers. This minimized how many people were out while we found the cable and made repairs.

Stay tuned for my next A Day With A Lineman and I will fill you in on all the explosive details. (Corney... I know lol)

The video may be a little crappy but that is just what you get sometimes when filming at night with no do overs.

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