General Michael Flynn Turkish connection explained by Ekim Alptekin Turkish business man who hired him


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This is an interview spread over 3 parts with Turkish Businessman Ekim Alptekin (@ekimalptekin) conducted by Mike Doran (@doranimated).

I remembered watching it but going back to YouTube trying to find it proved hard. Mike didn't give it the most detailed title or description but still it was burried completely under a torrent of main stream bullshit and outright lies about Michael Flynn and Turkey. Mike's tweet with a link to part 1 is here and you can find a YouTube Playlist I put together here.

Ekim Alptekin gives a very solid interview in which he explains the circumstances of how he came to hire Michael Flynn, who he has the highest respect and admiration for, to do a small consulting job for him. Not for the Turkish Government though Ekim believed the work would be of interest to the Turkish Government.

The consulting work looked into the mysterious and very suspicious work of Muhammed Fethullah Gülen and it seem that Flynn and his consulting company were exactly the right people to do that work. I'm told the film Killing Ed is excellent and can also recommend this speech by Clare Lopez on the same subject.

I'm uploading this to 3speak because I just don't have confidence that this material will remain on YouTube or be findable.

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