I am alive challenge day 42 for 14 May 2020


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Tip of the Iceberg. Yes. Watch, learn and enjoy.

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hello dear friend @bradleyarrow it is good to hear from you.
I wish you a happy rest


In this video transcript, Bradley begins by mentioning the day of the "I Am Alive Challenge" and commenting on the weather. He talks about his recent blog post where he discussed the concept of the tip of the iceberg with a graphic showing a dollar sign underneath it.

Bradley discusses a curation trail with 17 members, aiming to increase this number significantly. He points out that the largest curation trail he has seen has almost 4,500 people in it, emphasizing the power of receiving votes from such a large group.

He highlights the benefits of the curation trail, mentioning how it can support individuals involved in the "I Am Alive Challenge" and increase earnings. Bradley encourages the community to join the curation trail, mentioning an automatic upvote system he has set up for participants.

Towards the end, Bradley expresses his excitement and gratitude for the community on Hive, praising Flax for their efforts. He encourages viewers to engage with his content by reading, upvoting, commenting, and reblogging. He ends the video by inviting others to join the "I Am Alive Challenge" and be part of the supportive and fantastic community.

In summary, the video revolves around Bradley's promotion of the curation trail, emphasizing community support, engagement, and growth within the "I Am Alive Challenge" and the broader Hive platform. He stresses the importance of collaboration, automatic upvoting, and active participation to boost each other's presence and earnings. Bradley's enthusiasm for the community and the potential of the curation trail shines through his message, encouraging viewers to join and contribute positively to the platform.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested and/or approved by the channel owner.
