RE: Crystals, Chinese medicine and my relationship with woo woo and science


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I agree with you that one must know for himself the functioning of this universe, and not take the premises of religions for granted. For my part, I was raised as an atheist, with a total denial towards God and towards spiritual forces; However, having sensitivity to perceive other planes, in addition to experiencing events for which I could not find a logical explanation, later led me to approach different religions, since it required being able to find those explanations of what I saw, felt and experienced. Now, that allowed me a broader view of beliefs and the world in general, since I understood that each human group created its own belief system, which is why, although I am baptized in the Catholic Church, I have my objections and observations . Regarding crystals, from a very very young age (5 or 6 years old) I felt an incredible fascination for stones in general, not only crystals (since I did not have access to them), it led me as a teenager to investigate and investigate more. The strength of a crystal is something unique. Crystal quartz are wonderful antennas to see other worlds, other spaces, other times. The stone known as the golden shower has a vibration, a special force to stimulate the economic aspect. They all have their particularity. Yes, I would like to read the second part of your experience. I have not had much contact with Chinese Medicine. I really liked this post, very much. Greetings and blessings.

Coincido contigo en que uno debe conocer por sí mismo el funcionamiento de este universo, y no dar por ciertas las premisas de las religiones. Por mi parte, me crié como atea, con una negación total hacia Dios y hacia las fuerzas espirituales; no obstante, teniendo sensibilidad para percibir otros planos, además de experimentar eventos a los que no le encontraba explicación lógica, me llevó posteriormente a acercarme a distintas religiones, pues requería poder encontrar esas explicaciones a lo que veía, sentía y experimentaba. Ahora bien, eso me permitió una visión más amplia de las creencias y del mundo en general, pues entendí que cada grupo humano creaba su propio sistema de creencias, razón por la cual, aunque estoy bautizada en la Iglesia Católica, tengo mis objeciones y observaciones. Respecto a los cristales, desde muy muy pequeña, (5 ó 6 años) sentía una fascinación increíble por las piedras en general, no solo los cristales (pues no tenía acceso a ellos), lo me llevó de adolescente a indagar e investigar más. La fuerza de un cristal es algo único. Los cuarzo cristal son antenas maravillosas para ver otros mundos, otros espacios, otros tiempos. La piedra conocida como lluvia de oro tiene una vibración, una fuerza especial para estimular el aspecto económico. Todas tienen su particularidad. Sí quisiera leer la segunda parte de tu experiencia. No he tenido mucho contacto con la Medicina China. Me gustó mucho este post, mucho mucho. Saludos y bendiciones.


I hope I can learn that kind of sensitivity to feel something less vague from crystals. It is pretty amazing how almost everyone is somehow attracted to them, no matter how far they are from believing in such things...

Thanks for stopping by!


Everything resides in letting the crystal speak to you, it is a mutual connection. There are some crystals that speak, but others do not, so it is a matter of you looking and trying to connect. If you are going to use a crystal quartz, look for one that is clean, without clouds or fractures, the cleaner the better.


I looked for some quartz after you told me but the ones without clouds or cracks were really expensive.

Are they the ones that talk the most?


Clouds and fractures can distort images, so it is recommended that they be clean; however, years ago I had a very small quartz, perhaps 1.5 cm long. It was almost ovoid, it was not columned, and I suppose it would be a low quality quartz for the merchant. The truth is, that quartz is one of the ones that has spoken to me the most in my life. It looked like a mini-TV, so to speak. Unfortunately it got lost in certain circumstances. Now, the important thing is that you feel affinity with quartz, take it with your hands, and try to see something specific inside it. If you get a glimpse of something, that quartz will speak to you, no matter if it is large or small, if it is free of clouds or fractures or not. The important thing is that you connect with him, you have to resonate with him. Any other questions write to me.
