Shadows in the night


They're cryptic shadows, aren't they. Illusions created by the mixing and blending of light and no light. Never there but always there, not visible until they hit an immovable object.

We had fun lastnight hunting shadows in the dark, looking at the certain shapes and images they produce, false figures like the one at night when you wake to go to the fridge and you think someone's standing in your room. Only to find it is the shadow of a pillow, jacket or something else. You're heart races ever so fast while your brain tries to quickly piece together if it is a threat, friend or just your imagination.

Lil Miss tells me she has thought some were ghosts and only to realise it's her teddy. She informed me she wasn't able to get out of bed the other night. I was saddened to hear and told her if she ever feels that way again to call out and I'll come rescue her ❤


So we went for a walk lastnight under the street lights to play around abit with the shadows and things in our community. Out of her comfort zone and somewhere she's not typical on her own at night.

We took our beloved Golden retriever for added safety and for some exercise, she quite often gets left out due to the young kids and she enjoyed the evening walk even if it was a little cold as winter begins to set in.

I transformed myself into a centor a half man half horse beast of mythological times, little miss laughed as she saw the shadow and approached pretending to pet me. Daddy! Daddy! Look I'm petting you hahahahaha she giggled. Bella our golden retriever totally unaware and unphased by the shadows, do they know? Do they care?


It wasn't long until my silhouette was on its lonesome, lil miss trying to arrange Bella so that her shadow would give her the appearance of a half woman half horse reflection. She struggled abit and gave up as she couldn't get the right angle under the street light. She sighed and said next time daddy

We continued on our walk looking for other shadows, other figures that were cast by object. Some reflected perfectly of the object that blocked the light. Others gave the appearance of something totally different. But all remained the same, shadows.


For me, the appearance of straight shadows are something that has always been odd. In nature, nothing is a continuous straight line. It is a rear occurrence for straight lines to appear in nature so when a straight lined shadow emerges it expresses an unnatural and unfamiliar oddness to it.

The shadow of the street light itself gives the impression of continuation or an extension. Perfectly straight as if the object itself folds onto itself into a parallel dimension. More of a view you would get from a reflection in a mirror or off the surface off a clear body of water.

We had fun exploring the area after dark, amongst the street lights. Seeing the difference in the world once the sun goes down.

It's amazing the fun you can have hunting shadows, for me they are just a thing that has always been there. But for little miss they are only new and cool.

She tries to out run her shadow, it's cute to watch and reminds me of when I did the same.

Happy Shadow hunting everyone!
