[ESP] ¡Oh Girasol bendito, irrádiame con tu amor! / [ENG] O blessed Sunflower, go with your love!

Hermosos e imponentes con sus pétalos al Sol. / Beautiful and imposing with its petals in the Sun.

Girasol. Fotografía del autor. Guarenas, 26/01/2021. / Girasol. Photograph of the author. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.

     [ESP] A propósito del reciente concurso Experiencing Architecture, organizado por @aplusd y apoyado por esta comunidad dejo el siguiente relato: Todos los días, en las tardes frescas y despejadas mi esposa y yo salimos a caminar por las calles de la urbanización donde vivimos. Durante el recorrido de hoy, el amor entre nosotros se renovó cuando observamos estos lindos e imponentes girasoles plantados en el jardín de uno de los edificios del conjunto residencial "El Alambique". Estos hermosos Girasoles nos dejaron absortos mientras caía la tarde de enero. Ante aquél impresionante e intenso amarillo, sacamos nuestros teléfonos y los fotografiamos, luego nos imaginamos todos los jardines de la urbanización sembrados de Girasoles. Sería sublime transformar nuestro paisajismo urbano en lugares agradables en armonía con la naturaleza. Mi esposa y yo decidimos ir mañana al edificio a conversar con el vecino que plantó los Girasoles para proponerle intensificar la siembra de estas flores en los jardines que están descuidados con el objeto de recuperar los espacios verdes y llenarlos de amarillo intenso.

[ENG] With regard to the recent contest Experiencing Architecture, organized by @aplusd and supported by this community I leave the following story: Every day, on cool, clear afternoons my wife and I go for a walk in the streets of the urbanization where we live. During today's tour, the love between us was renewed when we observed these cute and imposing sunflowers planted in the garden of one of the buildings of the residential complex "El Alambique". These beautiful Sunflowers left us engrossed as the January afternoon fell. In front of that impressive and intense yellow, we take out our phones and photograph them, then imagine all the gardens of the urbanization planted in Sunflowers. It would be sublime to transform our urban landscaping into pleasant places in harmony with nature. My wife and I decided to go to the building tomorrow to talk to the neighbor who planted the Sunflowers to propose to intensify the planting of these flowers in the gardens that are neglected in order to recover the green spaces and fill them with intense yellow.

Girasoles imponentes de cara al Sol. Fotografía del autor. Guarenas, 26/01/2021. / Stunning sunflowers facing the Sun. Photograph of the author. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.

     [ESP] Los girasoles son los hijos terrenales del dios Sol, huestes mansas y entregadas cuyo único afán es poder acariciar sus rayos con la sutileza de finísimos pétalos de seda. Deslumbran, iluminan y regalan belleza allá por donde pisan, rellenan de fantasía las líneas de los cuentos de toda la vida y son capaces de recitar una y mil poesías de grandes maestros.

     [ENG] Sunflowers are the earthly children of the sun god, meek and dedicated hosts whose only desire is to caress their rays with the subtlety of fine silk petals. They dazzle, illuminate and give beauty wherever they step, fill the lines of lifelong tales with fantasy, and are able to recite one and a thousand poetry from great masters.

Girasoles imponentes de cara al Sol. Fotografía del autor. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.
Stunning sunflowers facing the Sun. Photograph of the author. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.

[ESP] Faz de intensa amarillez y de fina seda su tez,
erguido, fuerte y delicado a la vez,
se planta imponente ante la luz del sol una y otra vez.

[ENG] Face of intense yellowness and fine silk his weed,
upright, strong and delicate at the same time,
is planted imposing in the sunlight over and over again.

Girasoles. Fotografía del autor. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.
Sunflowers. Photograph of the author. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.

[ESP] ¡Oh, Girasol bendito!
hermoso es tu esplendor,
irrádiame con tu amor...
tu brillo yo necesito.

[ENG] Oh, Blessed Sunflower!
beautiful is your splendor,
Go away with your love...
your shine I need.

Girasoles. Fotografía del autor. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.
Sunflowers. Photograph of the author. Guarenas, 26/01/2021.

Autor / Author:@marcosmilano71


Hello @marcosmilano71! Thank you for your refreshing (environmental design) story about the beautiful sunflowers in your neighborhood! These humble living things may be simple plants, sometimes taken for granted however, they certainly help in brightening up the urban landscapes of the city due to their huge size, vivid color, and sunny disposition. At the end of the day, it’s all about doing our share in keeping our natural surroundings healthy for humanity and ensuring their harmony with our built spaces.


Hello @storiesoferne thank you for your review. Today my wife and I are going to go talk to the neighbor who planted the sunflowers and another neighbor who is planting flowers in another green space in her building. We want to ask you for advice and seeds to start the work in our garden and at the same time and to propose that we make an awareness campaign for the planting and recovery of all the gardens of our residential complex in order to beautify the Urbanization and give it more color, freshness and comfort. We are encouraged, besides my wife was elected as president of the condominium board of our building and belongs to the General Meeting. We believe that rescuing gardening would be one of the important contributions to good living.

Hola @storiesoferne gracias por tu comentario. Hoy mi esposa y yo vamos a ir a conversar con el vecino que plantó los girasoles y con otra vecina que está sembrando flores en otro espacio verdes de su edificio. Queremos pedirle asesoría y semillas para iniciar el trabajo en nuestro jardín y a la vez y para proponerles que hagamos una campaña de concienciación para la siembra y recuperación de todos los jardines de nuestro conjunto residencial para así embellecer la Urbanización y darle mas color, frescura y confort. Nosotros estamos animados, además mi esposa fue elegida como presidenta de la junta de condominio de nuestro edificio y pertenece a la Junta General. Creemos que rescatar la jardinería sería uno de los aportes importante para el buen vivir.


Excellent! Your proposal of collaborating with your neighbors in greening your residential community, with your wife’s influence as the president of your condominium board is a superb undertaking! Please update us on the progress of your landscaping project plus other environmental improvements. All the best to your efforts!


I must confess that you and your communities in Hive have been for me and my twin sons @manuelmilano and @memj0310 an important motivation for work. Thank you. We are cheerful, happy and motivated. As for my wife's work and the proposal to beautify the gardens, I will continue to inform you of the progress. Thank you very much and infinite blessings to all of you.

Debo confesarle que Ustedes y su comunidades en Hive han sido para mi y para mis hijos gemelos @manuelmilano y @memj0310 una importante motivación de trabajo. Gracias. Estamos alegres, felices y motivados. En cuanto al trabajo de mi esposa y la propuesta de embellecimiento de los jardines seguiré informándoles los avances. Muchas gracias e infinitas bendiciones para todos ustedes.


With pleasure always! You, your twin sons, and your family are always welcome! Feel at home in the Architecture+Design Community!


Good morning. Hey, buddy. I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to show you the building where I live and the Garden we're going to recover initially. Then we're going to get other areas back.

Buenos días. Hola amigo. Disculpa que te moleste, solo quería mostrarte el edificio donde vivo y el Jardín que vamos a recuperar inicialmente. Luego vamos a recuperar otras áreas.



Then we will try to motivate the neighbors to recover this space.

Después vamos a tratar de motivar a los vecinos para recuperar este espacio.



Wow! The condominium complex where you live is huge! In terms of your plans of renovating and beautifying the green spaces around your neighborhood, I’d suggest to take note of these important factors:

  1. Consult your local government for rules and regulations in the repair and modifications of these landscaped areas - what are the dos and don’ts to follow. This will be for your legal safety.

  2. Depending on what your government’s policies are, use these as meeting guidelines for your condominium board where your wife is the president. Good coordination is key!

  3. Does your condominium complex have a property manager? Are you paying association dues for the proper maintenance of all common public areas such as trimming of grass, collection of dried leaves and garbage, plus the watering of plants and trees on the green landscapes and gardens? ? If so, they should be exercising their assigned responsibilities well.

This will be stage one. Let me know the answers to the above points before we proceed to the next phase. Hope that helps. Thank you for sharing your photos for our review!
