My experience of doing the Architecture Thesis in a sinking country /// Mi experiencia de hacer la Tesis de Arquitectura en un país que se hunde


Speak Spanish

Greetings to all, I return to continue putting my grain of sand to give life together with all of you to this community of creatives. How interesting the last post, new people have joined. I have a constructive criticism, since I have seen several posts that are photographs and I include myself, but let's make it interesting, let's give those photos architectural, urban or engineering context, which add to knowledge, that are not only post to be done, or only to show photos on the air (that's what photography communities are for, with all due respect). Greetings to all and let's continue with all this good feedback!

Now yes, let's start with my post!

In a comment to one of my previous post, they asked me what my greatest experience had been when doing the thesis and answering with an answer seemed wrong, so this post will deal with that, MY EXPERIENCES IN DOING THE ARCHITECTURE THESIS .

The thesis began in the 9th semester, with the urban planning project, in which the entire urban proposal and the subsequent projects that we will execute in the 10th semester began, all this with a duration of 8 months more or less. At first working as a team for so long is a double-edged sword, complicated and I think it leaves certain consequences haha. Then the real tension was in the last semester, the project, which, as you may recall, was an ecological research center, that is, the investigative work to execute it was a lot and took a long time, for me the project took a lot of dedication since In deference to a project such as a library, I did not have references that explicitly told me how to design my project. Despite that, I made it! There were days and nights when you could no longer waste time, coffee during the day was a priority to stimulate my brain (don't do it, it affected my colon), constantly whenever I could ask someone for a favor for something and did it to me , I did it for me to continue designing, the drawing time in my design consumed me completely, since my project was one of the 3 largest.
I also had the weight of money, I had to graduate yes or yes, but already the crisis in my country plus inflation, caused the prices of things to rise a lot and tasks such as layout and printing the plans, printing The volume of the thesis was an exponential expense, that there was even a point that I doubted if I could graduate because I did not have the money to print the plans. I must also comment that for this reason, my two tutors teachers allowed us to deliver the corrections of the volume and the design by digital means, and thank goodness, that helped a lot.

.##### I also had the weight of money, I had to graduate yes or yes, but already the crisis in my country plus inflation, caused the prices of things to rise a lot and tasks such as layout and printing the plans, printing The volume of the thesis was an exponential expense, that there was even a point that I doubted if I could graduate because I did not have the money to print the plans. I must also comment that for this reason, my two tutors teachers allowed us to deliver the corrections of the volume and the design by digital means, and thank goodness, that helped a lot.

I must also say, and I think, I no longer remember the thread of time well, if it was in design 8 or 9, that parallel to these protests returned in my country against the government, that was in 2017, and You know what, we have been waiting for them for a long time and we went with everything. Gentlemen, let me tell you that if it is a wear and tear, go to protest from 7am, with food, you end up on the other side of the municipality, where they repress you, we were so many the first days that they could not with us and they ran out of bombs and they left, then they came back ... that is, fighting, running, dropping mucus, injured all day, and when night falls, seeing how to go back to your house to start designing the project, I never felt so tired in life , but I think the country deserved the sacrifice. I know this is another topic but it was very relevant for the students of my generation in 2017.

Country situation

I think that one of the things that generated the most impact, in addition to the protests (in which I was almost the only one in my group who went to them as much as I could), was the issue of inflation and that We were about to finish and the lack of a future in my country was more remarkable than ever, to the point the tutors had to lift our breath many times. I live in the country Venezuela, which currently represents the largest exodus in Latin America ...
Many of my colleagues had already left the country many relatives and they were left to finish and leave. And so it was, when we finished, at the graduation ceremony we were like 5 sections of architecture graduating, at the event there were approximately the number of people from 1 section, that is, about 15 graduating, the others left, I did not go because I could not allow myself to generate more expenses with the subject of the act of degree. Oh, and to conclude the issue of the protests, I tell you that despite the fact that these were gigantic (you can search on YouTube, protest Venezuela Caracas 2017), it was shown again that the government does not come out with votes or massive protests, also that He is willing to take away innocents and kill us as he did with many of my companions (my body when saying this remembers the day I saw how a companion was killed, he was shot, the shots increased so that the rest of us could not pick him up. He makes him go back, the policeman returns and finishes him off on the ground, then people are filled with anger and they go forward with everything, they run away, he dies, I remember that boy was less than 20 years old). Then the opposition that year began to dialogue (negotiate for their pockets) with the government and cooled down the protests for treason, and the people do not leave spontaneously because the regime already knows how to dismantle and take people from their homes so that that does not happen. as in 2014.

Continuing with what we came up with, this great thesis was incredible and exhausting, with the multiple scenarios that I mentioned, but it is over. I think that no one who did not experience all this would be difficult to understand the satisfaction that achieving the end of 5 years of studies. And well I had many memories writing this so I will end this post for today, I hope you like the pictures, some selfies and others of the models of my colleagues.

Do not forget that if you have any questions, leave your comment below and if possible I will answer them, thank you!













Speak Spanish

Saludos a todos, vuelvo yo a seguir poniendo mi grano de arena para darle vida junto a todos ustedes a esta comunidad de creativos. Que interesante los ultimos post,se han integrado nuevas personas. Les tengo una crítica constructiva, ya que he visto varios post que son fotografias y me incluyo, pero hagamoslo interesante, demosle contexto arquitectónico, urbano o de ingenieria a esas fotos, que sumen en conocimiento, que no solo sean post por hacer, o solo para enseñar fotos al aire ( para eso estan las comunidades de fotografias, con todo respeto). Saludos a todos y sigamos con toda esta retroalimentación tan buena!

Ahora sí, empecemos con mi post!

En un comentario de uno de mis post anteriores, me preguntaron cual habia sido mi mayor experiencia al hacer la tesis y responder con una respuesta me pareció incorrecto, así que este post tratará sobre eso, MIS EXPERIENCIAS AL HACER LA TESIS DE ARQUITECTURA.

La tesis empezó en 9no semestre, con el proyecto de urbanismo, en el cual empezó toda la propuesta urbana y los proyectos posteriores que ejecutariamos en el 10mo semestre, todo esto con una duración de 8 meses más o menos. Al principio trabajando en equipo tanto tiempo es un arma de doble filo, complicado y creo que deja ciertas secuelas jaja. Luego la verdadera tensión fue en el ultimo semestre, el proyecto, que como recordaran mi proyecto fue un centro de investigaciones ecológicas, es decir, el trabajo investigativo para ejecutarlo fue mucho y llevó mucho tiempo, para mi el proyecto llevó mucha dedicación ya que a deferencia de un proyecto de por ejemplo una biblioteca, yo no tenía referentes que me dijeran explicitamente como diseñar mi proyecto. A pesar de eso, lo logré!. Fueron días y noches en que perder el tiempo ya no se podia, el café durante el día era prioridad para estimular mi cerebro (no lo hagan, afectó mi colon),constantemente siempre que podía pedir un favor a alguien para algo y me lo hiciera, lo hacía para yo seguir diseñando, el tiempo de dibujo en mi diseño me consumía totalmente, ya que mi proyecto era uno de los 3 más grandes.
También tuve el peso del dinero, tenía que graduarme si o sí, pero ya la crisis de mi país más la inflación, hizo que los precios de las cosas se elevara mucho y tareas como maquetar e imprimir los planos,imprimir el tomo de la tesis, era un gasto exponencial, que inclusive hubo un punto que dudé en que si podría graduarme por no tener el dinero para imprimir los planos. Tambien debo comentar que por esto mismo, mis dos profesores de tutores nos permitieron entregar las correcciones del tomo y del diseño por medio digitales, y menos mal, eso ayudó mucho.
También debo decir, y creo, ya no recuerdo bien el hilo del tiempo, si fue en diseño 8 o 9, que paralelo a estas volvieron las protestas en mi país en contra del gobierno, eso fue en 2017, y saben qué, las estabamos esperando desde hace mucho y fuimos con todo. Señores dejenme decirle que eso si es que es un desgaste, ir a protestar desde las 7am, con comida, terminas del otro lado del municipio, en el cual te reprimen, eramos tanto los primeros días que no podian con nosotros y se quedaban sin bombas y se iban, luego volvían... es decir luchando, corriendo, botando moco, heridos todo el día, y cuando cae la noche, ver como volver a tu casa para ponerte a diseñar el proyecto, nunca me sentí tan cansado en la vida, pero creo que el país merecía el sacrificio. Se que este es otro tema pero fue muy relevante para los estudiantes de mi generación en 2017.

Situación país

Creo que una de las cosas que generó más impacto, además de las protestas ( en las cuales yo era casi el único de mi grupo que iba a ellas lo más que podia), era el tema de la inflación y que estabamos a punto de terminar y la falta de futuro en mi país era más notable que nunca, al punto los tutores tuvieron que subirnos el aliento muchas veces. Vivo en el país Venezuela, el cual representa actualmente el éxodo más grande de latinoamerica...
Muchos de mis compañeros ya se les habian ido del país muchos familiares y ellos quedaban para terminar e irse. Y así fue, cuando terminamos, al acto de grado eramos como 5 secciones de arquitectura graduandose, al acto fueron aproximadamente la cantidad de personas de 1 seccion, es decir como 15 graduandos, los demás se fueron, yo no fui porque no podía permitirme generar más gastos con el tema del acto de grado. Ah, y para concluir el tema de las protestas, le cuento que a pesar de que estas fueron gigantescas ( pueden buscar en youtube, protesta venezuela caracas 2017), se demostró de nuevo que el gobierno no sale con votos ni protestas masivas, tambien que esta dispuestoa llevarse a inocentes y asesinarnos como lo hizo con muchos de mis compañeros ( mi cuerpo al decir esto recuerda el día en que vi como mataron a un compañero,le disparan el cae, aumentan los tiros para que los demás no lo pudieramos recogery los hace retroceder, el policia vuelve y lo remata en el suelo, luego la gente se llena de ira y se va para alante con todo, ellos huyen, el muere, recuerdo que tenía menos de 20 años ese muchacho ). Luego la oposición ese año volvió a ponerse a dialogar (negociar para sus bolsillos) con el gobierno y enfrio las protestas por traición, y el pueblono sale espontaneamente porque ya el regimen sabe desarticular y llevarse a la gente de sus casas para que eso no pase como en 2014.

Siguiendo con lo que vinimos, fue increible y agotante esta gran tesis, con los multiples escenarios que les comenté, pero se terminó. Creo que nadie que no viviera todo esto seria dificil de entender la satisfacción que lograr llegar al final de 5años de estudios. Y bueno tuve muchos recuerdos al escribir esto asi que le dare fin a este post por hoy, espero que les guste las fotillos, algunas selfies y otras de las maquetas de mis compañeros.

No olviden que ante cualquier duda dejen su comentario aquí abajo y en lo posible se los respondo, gracias!




Thank you for sharing your architectural thesis experience with us. It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult but very rewarding achievements. It is also incredibly expensive and the stress was another level.

I remember missing Christmas and all of the important holidays for the entire year. It was also an individual thesis and we stayed at the basement of my best friend's house during the drawing phase to motivate ourselves to work and miss sleep until we finished our presentation boards which were 30" x 40" in size. I had about 12 big boards to fill. CAD was still very expensive back then so we had to draw everything by hand. Our batch as well started with 7 sections (around 50 students each class) and after the 5th year, only one section was left to finish and graduate.

So I can't imagine how you could do this thesis in the midst of political turmoil. Oh my! After protests, you had to work afterward and continue. Well done for your perseverance and determination!


wow, I imagine, you are an old school in architecture. We were put to draw in CAD from the 5th semester. Thanks for your words, I appreciate that


Thesis was super hard. I could totally relate with you. By the way I loved the models, amazing. I can recall my thesis during 2019, It was before a year of internship at office. It was a daunting experience, yet satisfying at the end. Hope you got good grades and wishing you success in career :)


I'm glad you made it through the major obstacles and challenges during your university thesis days! I could just imagine the hardships you've endured during that dark period of your country. Your unforgettable story is also a perfect reminder for those trapped in a crisis, to never lose hope in a dream you wish to pursue - in this case, your successful achievement of graduating from architecture school. Well done @feiderman, and keep sharing the good vibes!


Thank you very much, and it was a challenge and now that I think about it, I also challenged myself to make it difficult for what I wanted


Hello @feiderman Receive a fraternal greeting and a strong embrace linked to our tricolor and our red wine. Congratulations because despite the vicissitudes you did. Good post-friend. Go on. Infinite greetings and blessings.

Hola @feiderman Recibe un saludo fraterno y un fuerte abrazo enlazado con nuestro tricolor y nuestra vinotinto. Felicitaciones porque a pesar de las vicisitudes lo lograste. Buen post amigo. Siga adelante. Saludos y bendiciones infinitas.


Oh, un paisano! Saludos y gracias por pasarte por acá
