Work-life balance - The healthy way!

When we care for our work and life, we supposed to take good care of both. But in reality, it's not very uncommon that work takes the place over our personal well-being. It's not always possible to make two separate rooms for these two. Because no matter how much we try work and life will be mixed up.



Over the year I find some simple ways to keep proceed forward through balancing work and our life. It may vary person to person how they want to accomplish things but if we can keep these general things in mind we can have a balanced life, I believe.

Prioritize your well-being. It may not sound right because we love to finish our work first. But when we give priority in our well-being it passively helps us to get better results in our work. Don't feel bad if you skip some work to-do list. But make sure you have a well-being to-do list too.

Make the time separate. You can't pay 100% attention to your work while playing with your kids or doing meditation. The same thing happens when it comes to personal well-being. Make a work-life schedule and pay attention as per.

Life and work will pull you in a direction to mix them up but don't forget to notice if work is always talking priority. Better than feeling the urge to finish our work, make a room for well-being in between. Like, have a coffee and personal space while you are in the office.

Continue to grow as a person, mentally and physically. Similar to a personal development training program at work, grow as a person in life. Just processing forward and rushing to meet other's expectations doesn't make us a healthy person. Focus on your personal well-being also.

These are some easy ways I think can really help us to incorporate in our lives to make a good balance between work & life. There's no loss if you try it!
