Hey lovelies 😍
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese ❤️
Welcome to my blog 🤗



Do you take time to observe yourself?
Do you set aside some moment to know who you are?
Can you effortlessly state some attributes that are peculiar to you?

It is quite interesting how much we can say about other people's behavior and character. This is because we pay more attention to others rather than ourselves. Self awareness is important to knowing your own personal life and understanding yourself which enables you to live a happy, healthy and successful life.

Wondering why it is so important to know and understand who you are as a person? The major reason is that until you understand who you are and what you stand for you will continue to live as a shadow of yourself. You will not exhibit that original potential that is in you. You function well as a person and with other people when you understand who you are. And more importantly, just like someone who embarks on a journey without a direction, he will get lost in the process, you will have to follow people's leads and direction in life if you don't understand what and who you are.

cHRysos a HR training and consultancy company in the United States gave an extensive tips on how to discover yourself on their website. I will share some of the tips from the website below and you'd see the need to discovering yourself.



  • Use personality tests to understand your personal traits

Whilst tests such as Myers-Briggs and SHL Personality Test are not perfect, they do help you to reflect on your attitude, behaviours, characteristics and what drives your decision making and so become more self-aware. cHRysos

  • Use professional help

A good coach can be invaluable in providing you with feedback that will enhance your level of self-awareness. Make sure you check out their credentials and certifications first though and be certain that they can work with you in the way that you want them to. A good coach can also help you to unravel feedback from others and use it to help you to change.cHRysos

  • Keep notes on yourself

When you make an important decision it can be helpful to make a note of what you’d expect the outcome to be: what do you think will happen? At an appropriate time, go back to your notes and compare the actual outcome with what you expected to happen. Don’t just think about ‘what’ happened – make sure you also reflect on ‘why’ it happened. Management Consultant Peter Drucker called this reflective activity ‘feedback analysis’: “the only way to discover your strengths.”cHRysos

  • Ask someone else

Identify people you know and feel you can trust and ask them to give you feedback on your personality, habits, needs and values. It may be helpful to ask people to provide you with this feedback anonymously so that they are more likely to be honest and give you a valid response that is insightful and helpful.cHRysos

  • Ask good questions

Asking good questions is a skill that can be invaluable to you and your organisation. However, when the question is about your own performance, it can be harder to be objective about receiving negative feedback. When you show that you are equally open to all types of feedback you demonstrate self-awareness and willingness to learn. Asking questions models a solid, transparent approach to problem solving and decision making that everyone in the organisation will benefit from. It also encourages others that it’s OK to not know everything and that to be constantly learning is a good thing.cHRysos



  • **Listen to feedback without justifying
    When you have solicited feedback it’s crucial to listen to it without justifying yourself or your actions. Otherwise, people will stop giving you feedback. And if you’re busy defending yourself you will probably miss out on what the person is trying to tell you. However, if you listen and accept feedback without defending yourself, you’re more likely to hear what you need to hear and learn from it. You will also increase your credibility with the person and create a trust bond that will encourage them to continue giving you helpful feedback in the future.cHRysos

  • Be open to change

You can’t become self-aware if you’re not actively interested in improving yourself and your leadership skills. It takes sustained effort and focus, and you won’t achieve it unless you regularly check in and re-focus your efforts. Just doing this is self-awareness in itself and a key step to developing it. However, having the desire to improve is only half the battle: you need to be open to change. We naturally shy away from change – it makes us uncomfortable. But lasting improvement only happens when we have the will to change a habit or behaviour and the self-awareness to hold ourselves accountable for that change.cHRysos

  • Identify the personal habits holding you back

We all have personal habits that stop us from being mindful and aware. They are like background processes running in your brain that drain your energy or distract you from what you should be focused on. If you want to improve as a leader you need to re-programme your brain for good habits and honing your self-awareness will help you do this. Define your bad habits. You don’t even need to change them initially. Just train yourself to notice them and then you can start to change direction.cHRysos

  • Embrace your intuition

Successful leaders trust their gut instincts and are prepared to take the risks associated with them. Our instincts are based on the survival of the fittest and our need to succeed – they help us decide what to do next and how to prioritise. Learn to trust
these instincts and act on them.cHRysos

  • Be aware of others too

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help make you a better leader. But it’s also helpful to be a keen observer of others’ strengths and weaknesses too. Effective teams are made up of people who understand and complement each other rather than all the same personality types. If you are open minded and objective, having different types of people on board will also help to further your self-awareness and deepen your appreciation for the variety inherent in patterns of success. Having the right complement of people in the team and a supportive learning environment will help you see clearly what you do well and what others do well.cHRysos

I will conclude by admonishing you to discover yourself. No one will do it for you. Thomas Edison was once written off by his teacher who called him a dullard but he is well known today for his great achievement of inventing light bulb, phonograph and other inventions. However, the teachers name is nowhere to be found in the books of history.

Edison discovered himself and fulfilled his great potential.

Are you ready to go on a self discovery journey?
Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


Your comments, criticism and votes are highly appreciated.


to study ourselves is one of the greatest intelligence a man can have, so many people study other people and they forget to study themselves.

that is why we condemn people and other people condemne us too , while we condemn other people mean while we also have some bad behaviour that other people don't like.

but if we know ourselves and know where we have issues we will only look at similarities between ourselves not the differences.

when we are also aware that we are not perfect and we also have some bad characters we wont judge others for their mistakes.

thank you for the word it help and remind us to be careful.

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You have summarized all in these few lines. Thanks for your comment.


The journey to discovering one self comes with a price. Everything comes with a price but this actually comes with a worthy price.
In our lives, it is obviously a normal thing when we spend most of our time talking about the wrongs others did, scrutinizing them , making corrections to their lives and leaving our own life unattended to. It is quite easy to do that and that's what most of us end up doing .

We neglect our selves, we pass through a lot of stages in our lives without actually discovering our selves, without scrutinizing ourselves, without even knowing where our strength lies or what our weakness is. The average human just lives life as it comes and ends up complaining when things don't work out for them.

If you stop someone on the road and ask them "what are the five things you're good at?", You'll discover that most of them would be short of answers.

Most times we use time we're supposed to be using to discover ourselves and spend it on meaningless things like social media and gossip to say a few, I'm not saying social media is bad, it is what you use it for that is. Most people use it to discover parts of them they never knew existed, that's a plus.

Every day is a day of discovery and mind you, you might end up losing things you feel are important in the journey to self discovery. But don't stop because at the long run you'll see how confident you'll become and how things would be able to fall In place because you know thy self.

Really great post, I look forward to reading more of your works

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We neglect our selves, we pass through a lot of stages in our lives without actually discovering our selves, without scrutinizing ourselves, without even knowing where our strength lies or what our weakness is. The average human just lives life as it comes and ends up complaining when things don't work out for them.

This paragraph catches my attention the most. We need to pay more attention to ourselves, even if it is few hours in a day to do a kind of self examination about oneself. It will be of great importance.

Stay safe.
