Hey lovelies 😍
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese ❀️
Welcome to my blog πŸ€—
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A conflict is a clash of interest. The basis of conflict may vary but it is always a part of society. Basis of conflict may be personal, racial, class, caste, political and international. Conflict in groups often follows a specific course.

On the other hand, resolution is the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something.

Now, let's talk about conflict resolution...

Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties engaged in a disagreement, dispute or debate reach an agreement resolving it.

There could be conflicts among members of staff of a company, school or among Student Union Government of a particular university and the school authorities or even between the government of a country and the citizens. One popular type of conflict is that of husband and wife in marriages.

Conflicts can happen almost anywhere and at any time. I can categorically say that there is at least one form of conflict or the other happening right now somewhere in the world. Conflicts starts when a group of persons do not agree about something. For instance, a man telling his wife not to go to a particular event and the wife insisted she must go and nothing the man says will stop her from going or two colleagues in a company arguing about who to go out with the company's official car. These two examples stated could lead to heated arguments that could last hours before it can be resolved.
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The example about the couple that I stated earlier is a very common one even outside marriage where one party poses to be superior to the other and tries to undermine the other person. In cases where one person feels he's more important than others, it may cause conflict where the person(s) that are being oppressed would have to speak up in anger and aggitatons. This could lead to protests and other forms of expressing their unsatisfaction.

Conflicts could have a gory ending if not curbed and control fast. There have been cases where protesters have died during protests, man have stabbed his wife during arguments, friend have gunned down his friend because they didn't agree on the same thing and so on.

Follow these steps to resolve conflicts

  • At the early stage when it hasn't got out of hand, try to have a one on one talk with the person or group. It has been proven to be very effective than taking over the phone or text. It could also be likened to a round table talk or dialogue.
  • Choose a good time that is convenient for the both parties. Choose a time that will not be inconvenicing anyone. The resolution should take place in a quite place where there will be no distraction and third-parties that will interfere unreasonably.
  • You should have dedicated time to think about the whole issue so that you will know what to say and how to explain your own position and ways you feel you can both agree.
  • Don't call the other person names, or blame them for everything. Using abusive words and calling people names will only make the whole process difficult.
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  • Be straightforward in your approach so that the person will understand your concerns. For instance, "I have been getting late to work for the past 2 weeks because you always block my car every morning" or "I don't want you to go for that event because it is dangerous to drive through that road at this time of the day"
  • Listen, pay attention to the other person and do not try to cut him or her short.
  • Work on a realistic solution.
Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me πŸ’•@debbie-eseπŸ’•


Your comments, criticism and votes are highly appreciated.


Wow you really educate this community a great topic, because this have destory home's, relationship, organization.

Many don't know how to resolve issues and Don't forgive, which is causing disagreement in some home's now.

Some feel to big to resolve issues with other, any small things they will turn to family fight.

To the extent if they see themselves facing or passing through from problem to other, they can help, they will not render it .

Some will start attacks with spiritual power, on little things.

But I believe if there are such people in this community, they learn one thing or the other form this post.

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