Biden Is Pushing World Economy & Global Policy To Be Directed By Indigenous Tribes and Failed States While Mental Health Is Falling Apart


Hatred doesn't do good. Joe Biden was a president elected out of madness, hate, spite and wanting to see Trump out of office no mater the cost. We've seen the cost now. It's just I haven't been following these stories well.

  • It's just politics.
  • I hate politics.
  • I prefer to stay out of politics.

Result of that is sometimes I wake up and realize how far and how crazy things have moved. I'm super late with coming across these stuff. When I'm looking at the details, I become horrified.

World Economy & Global Policy Directed By Indigenous Tribes

You would't even find this on Ayn Rand's writing. But it sure does look like somethign that could be out of one of her books like Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. These are the stuff global leaders are talking about! Even 5th grade kids wouldn't suggest asking indigenous tribes on how to handle the super complex climate.

We also have a failure of a country like Chad brought to the spotlight to discuss policy. It all sounds like something Ellsworth Toohey would write and force people to do.

About Chad


2021 Index of Economic Freedom


Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes: Known Before Election

It's Not Funny It's A Nightmare!

I'm just seeing these stuff now. These stuff were public before voting! People still rooted for this mentally incompetent gut to be in charge of the most powerful president seat on Earth. Are you kidding me! What has happened to people's brains!

The crazy part is people were actually dumb enough to vote knowing these stuff. I checked for the upload dates and they are from before election. I'm more scared of voters and democracy.

We've Got Someone Dumber Than A 5th Grader Thanks To Democracy

Today I got into a rabbit hole of hours of just being surprised and horrified of the madness this world has succumbed to. It's a clown world with no sense among the masses. These are just few examples of madness I've seen:

Few Jokes To Lighten The Horror

The last few hours been bit of a trip like being in a Lovecraftian mad world. It seems the shock feels bigger when you stay out of politics and take a peek once in a while thanks to an incident or algorithms.

Do What You Can To Help

We are stuck in this world and we need to make it a better place. I guess you could vote with your wallet and not support anyone or any company that support getting a mental patient and likely pedophile in office. You can share more knowledge &teach people real skills. Support crypto and try to get people onbaord Hive. A game like might turn out to be the best way to pull it off :)


An acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, Hunter Biden. How has this happened????


Corruption & Madness of Crowds!


As if Trump was any better? Literally incited an insurrection.


I wouldn't vote for Trump. But at least he's got a functioning brain. He's at least a lesser devil.
