Nothing's Changing

I am at the stage of finding a real job, just finished up college. There have been so many dreams and desires they have gone through me all these times. They include a lot of funny one's, now when thinking back all that makes me laugh. But I always had one idea about my future, that came in at some part of all this education.

Like most of the students I also have been a truant, I hated this all schooling system. I still hate it. The only things that made me a happy impression about schools and colleges are friends. Other than that there wasn't a single day I love to go to school or college.


I hated waking up each day while going to school and even college. So then I fixed my mind that when I will find a job, it will be a place that really makes me wake happily and makes a good impression on me to go there.

If things didn't happen that way, what's the purpose of all this education thing. The whole life is just the same, each day is the same as boring. Each day we woke up and go to places we hate. One place gives the information to find a job and the other one just helps to get money. Life's all the same. I don't want to live like this whole life, I need something more than the reason for friends to go there.

Working each day and waiting for the Holidays is what we do all the time, we work hard in these working days just to have more entertainment in the holidays. It means living 80% to 90& of life unhappily to live the other 10% to 20% of life happily. That's just a terrible proportion. It's needed to be at least 50-50.

I think fewer people think this way, our upbringing was also kind of this way. I still remember my parents telling me that "All this childhood is the good part and your life's gonna be a lot messier when you grow up." It's some kind of mantra that still sticks with I did me. In some way or other we still believe in it. We can't think out of this box, we are just like a few lines of code. We can't get outside of the basic loop of instructions.

As I started searching for a Job, I found out that the reality is a little bit hard to accept, it's not that easy to find a job we like. Some who have the idea about the mess going on here, even have to accept the reality and do the job they hate. But even at that point, they know where to divert if they got a good opportunity. They are not blind anymore, they are doing it just to cover up the basic needs.

These are all just what I see about the things going on around me. Maybe I'm wrong, but I am always open to different ideas. So if you have some different idea about this living all this life boringly, share it on comments.


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