Coding adventures - A retrospective - step back to a leap foward or am I becoming a backward shrimp?



So in these days I went again to ground zero, I so want to learn more about coding to be able to design the ideas at best I can. For this I switched engine this time going towards Godot engine as many raccomended. Just after a bit I can see how this engine seems more suited for me as it make much easier on the collisions then what I found with gamemaker. The thing I really like is how well the built in functions like physics collisions work and how easy they are to implement. Looking foward to learn new things and try make a game there as it looks like it make for a easier basic footing.

But today I want to talk about how gamemaker teached me a lot and the mistakes/experiment I made.
While converting the old files for the new version realesed I went take a look at the code of the platformer I made and especially the collisions and jumping code for A Wild Sprite and Cycle Song.

I already new that with A Wild Sprite I had taken a better route as I was focused on delivering something specific while Cycle Song was an experiment to try to reach similar results with a different way. What I pinpointed from this dive is that:

  • Scripts are very good for you, they can weight much less then having the code running inside each object, make for a cleaner look and easier to understand specific steps event without all the noise of the common rules repeated for every object.

  • Checking too much each game frame is unecessary and to be avoided when you can

*Diagonal collisions are mad scientist stuff and I want to understand them before 2021 rolls out.

A Wild Sprite


Looking back at this 2 years old code made me really happy, I used guides and tutorials to build it(Credits to Shaun Spalding wich were the tutorials series that I followed) but added specifics I needed and the game runs really smooth, there's almost nothing in the base movement a would change if not reducing a bit the slippery of the player(but I intended that way). I'm really thinking of going foward with the game world as the new updates for gamemaker actually made the game works better.


I don't know maybe the only thing I would change is the chance to be able to jump even if you are already out the ground collision to not make the input needed so precise and less frustrating.



Looking specifically at the code from Cycle Song I can tell that most of the imperfection come by using the built in variables of Gamemaker(the ones written in green) They have some unclear action that made for very confusing moments and weird ductaped solutions.


Cycle Song is a step back from what I made the first time but it was a cool experiment to learn to code different objects working toghether but the short way I took have a lot of withdrawls when all things have to come in one piece.

So the coding adventure continue on Godot for now I leave you with a little video comparison with the 2 games.

Have a good weeked! ;D
