Last post in 2019 - a review


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When I look at the newspapers these days, it's all about the review of what happened during the year. Was it an eventfull year? Who married whom? What happened where? I have to say that I'm not so much into that. So why write a post about 2019 myself? Well I realised one great thing about steem and it is that your posts will always be visible on the steem blockchain. Writing about the previous year will allow me to come back to it later on and remember what happened...

How was 2019 for steem?

When I think back about this year, the things that I remember most were quite negative:

  • Prices of steem falling from 0.40 to 0.12 Steem / Usd
  • The Hype about Steem-Engine Tokens
  • The Hype before the Hard Fork
  • The recalibration after the Hard Fork with the disapearance of bit-bots
  • The downvote wars
  • less life on the platform in general, less posts, less interaction, less people

How did I feel at the end of 2018, how do I feel now?

End of 2018
At the end of 2018, I started the project @help.venezuela and I enjoyed it greatly here on steem. I had very intensive contact with many people and I posted a lot.

End of 2019
I have to admit that I don't feel that positif about steem now. What I regret most is that the general culture on steem has changed. I had the feeling that on steem people were more tolerant than on other platforms. Contacts could be formed quite easily and it was a positive place to be. This culture has unfortunately changed. The number of comments to posts has greatly diminuished also because there are less incentives for people to comment. With the downvote wars the tolerance has also disapeared. There is more negative energy around. Many people left the platform and many stopped posting regularly.

Not everything is negative however. The people that remain on the platform are quite dedicated and the quality of the posts has increased a lot. There are also interesting things going on like the community @project.hope that works together to provide quality content and interaction.

At the end of this year we also await with enthousiasm the new things that are planned on the platform like SMT's and communities that can already be used in beta mode. Maybe we all hope for one thing which is that prices of altcoin in general but especially for steem will go up next year...

What do you take with you from 2019 on steem?

Please write a comment about what you take with you from this year. What was the most important event of this year for you? What are your hopes for the coming year? What are your worries?

I would be very greatful for your comments and I will try to reward the best comments in a certain way.

by @achim03


A project run by @achim03


Reading your post of the End of the Year I have remembered the symbolism of old Janus, that Greek deity that both the past and the future saw, perhaps that is why he recounted what has happened and raised what can begin from now.


I want to congratulate you and thank you for the project @ help.venezuela and the support you also provide to the participants of @ project.hope, it is something I really appreciate. I think you are right that the number of posts has been reduced and I certainly notice less ocular per post (although I haven't even turned one year on this blockchain), I've also been surprised by the use of the Negative Vote as a species Weapon by zombie accounts that coordinate to attack initiatives such as SBI or crush opinions that do not match. Personally I would like it to be mandatory that at least they leave some explanation, because if it is a mistake of the author of the post that is qualified with Downvote at least he could learn from that, correct his shortcomings and be a better creator of content.

Personally this has been a year of learning for me, taking into account that I already have several decades, I am taking the opposite of an old phrase that said "An old dog does not learn new tricks" or at least I am trying to do that :) Well, I'm not sure what else to say, I am a scattered writer and my subjects are very varied, due to problematic experiences with other projects, at the beginning I removed steem to other cryptocurrencies to try if it could, but seeing that everything It worked well and that the community was very pleasant, because I brought it back and to the extent of my poor possibilities I am bringing what I take in other places to increase my SP a bit.

I hope that next year will be of success, growth, learning and joys for everyone. Take care of yourself and be well.

Have a good New Year's Eve 2019 and a prosperous New Year 2020.


Hi my friend,
Thank you so much for this great comment. I think that you adapted quite well to steem and your learning curve seems very positive to me. I wish you a happy new year hoping that 2020 will bring nicer days to your country.

Best regards,



Thanks for everything. I am surprised to think that you are right in that I adapted relatively quickly, I guess it is because I got people that I felt comfortable with and I usually extended quite a lot of writing :)

Have a Happy New Year 22020!


Dear @happyvoter

Well I realised one great thing about steem and it is that your posts will always be visible on the steem blockchain.
Writing about the previous year will allow me to come back to it later on and remember what happened...

Well. Wouldn't posts on facebook still be on your feed year or two years later?I'm personally not sure if many people would ever bother to read their own publications one year later :)

Anyway interesting read/summary. I'm looking forward to see future developments (like SMTs).

ps. Hope 2020 will be good for your and your family. Upvoted already.
Cheers, Piotr
